You can kill me because I am an impediment to break Pakistan, Altaf Hussain
Maps showing the press conference. He killed me because I kyajasktahy secret maps and Pakistan will hinder the distribution, these maps are included in the Karachi Afghanistan. He said Hussein's main properties are agraltaf tuadalt go, he said the Army is not afraid to amrykaaurbrtanyh, jukrnahy, the MQM for the military to protect millions of workers prtyarhyn Pakistan, Altaf Hussain said Wall kuastblsmnt kaayjnt kudrat kuprdy meet Army. aysasyastdan tell anyone thatAmerican, British sfyrnhyn match. He is grftarmhajrbygnah turhakruaurqsuruarhyn tuadaltun lykrjau in, holding those rynjrzardubu lny lykrgyy but we made surnhyn, uahdjmaat MQM supported the military action, any U.S. interference in Pakistan ankarnhyn can, he said the international court in any case be presented, I am ready to face, not tuaalmy agrhkumt kuyqyn cluayy trial, the Supreme Court made kufryq, he mentioned about May, said Chief Minister House this day Irfan Ullah Marwat, Sindh were also present sdray NP, courtesy of the Royal sydsy aurarfan khatm afradprgulyan Run the innocent.
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