Tuesday 13 September 2011

Sleep to shed off Pounds!!

People who make an effort to lose weight by reducing the number of calories intake in their food can also, now have another shining (sleeping)amour as their weapon- a sound night sleep. There is a new research at the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that shows how sleep deprivation leads to weight gain, not by increasing the appetite, but by slacking the metabolism. Though, few of the American doctors have shown their reservation about this study.

Uppsala University in Sweden report reveals that getting enough slumber can just help implement your wish of shedding off pounds, Reuters report. The researcher, Christian Benedict reported that as small as one night sleep deprivation can seriously reduce the energy levels in a healthy person. This suggests that, sleep is imperative for the daily burning of calories in a body.

Former studies have shown a direct link between the sleep deprivation and weight gain and suggested that less sleep markedly bears upon the stress hormones level and appetite. In order to substantiate the idea that sleep disorder affects the weight of a person, the researchers carried out a test on 14 college age boys. According to this research the boys were divided in to two main groups, those having disturbed sleeping patterns and those having regular one. The metabolic rate and the quantity of food taken were the two parameters to judge on.

It was fully contrived that sleep deprivation for only one night decreased renal metabolism the following morning. This resulted in an energy lapse for different activities from 5 to 20 percent also marred by increased levels of the hormones, which influence hunger along with stress hormones. And since the man is affected by hormonal fluctuations so he eats less during the day.

Despite all these researches, there is a dearth of proof that there is some direct relationship between the two factors. Sleep Disorders Center, Sanford Auerbach,at Boston Medical Center, acknowledged that sleep is a complex phenomenon affected by several elements. He reckoned that sleep disorder may causes physiological changes that apparently lead to obesity but it is short on evidences.

Though the facts may be less to prove it with finalities, but they are enough to suggest at least something. In the lights of the facts compiled over the last 30 years, it is reported by majority of the researchers that there is an inverse relationship between the average sleep and obesity. The less the average sleeps the more the obesity and vice verse.

The recommended number of hours to sleep as suggested by the National Sleep Foundation is 7-9 hours every night, which also keep the weight in a check. Thus catching some nice Z’s at night and good naps in the afternoon can really improve your health and hence life can be a fun ride.

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