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Sunday, 25 November 2012

’اس نے تو ابھی مسکرنا ہی سیکھا تھا’

غزہ اور اسرائیل کے درمیان جنگ میں سرحد کے دونوں جانب شہریوں کی ہلاکت انتہائی افسوس ناک بات ہے بطور خاص جب ہلاک ہونے والوں میں معصوم بچے بھی شامل ہوں۔
غزہ میں بی بی سی کے نامہ نگار جان ڈونیسن نے بہت ہی قریب سے ایک ایسے ہی اندوہ ناک واقعے کو دیکھا۔
میرے ایک ساتھی جہاد مشراوی عام طور پر غزہ بیورو میں سب سے آخر میں گھر جانے والوں میں ہوتے ہیں۔ وہ انتہائی محنتی اور نرم گفتار ہیں اور دفتر میں دیر تک رکتے اور لیپ ٹاپ پر کام کرتے رہتے ہیں جو کہ ان سے ایک ہاتھ کے فاصلے پر رکھا ہوتا ہے۔
وہ ٹھنڈے دل و دماغ کے مالک ہیں اور جب ہم جیسے لوگ ان کے سامنے بھاگ دوڑ رہے ہوتے ہیں یا چھیڑ چھاڑ کر رہے ہوتے ہیں تو اس وقت بھی وہ سنجیدہ ہوتے ہیں۔ وہ ویڈیوایڈیٹر ہیں اور بی بی سی عربی سروس کے ایک مقامی سٹاف ہیں جن کی وجہ سے آفس کا کام چلتا رہتا ہے۔
اندازاً دو ہفتے قبل جب غزہ میں لڑائی شروع ہو ئی تھی اور اسرائیل کے ساتھ لڑائی میں حماس کے فوجی کمانڈر احمد الجعبری مارے گئے تھے تو اس وقت جہاد اپنے ایڈیٹنگ کے کمرے سے چیختے ہوئے باہر نکلے تھے۔
وہ اپنے سر کو دونوں ہاتھوں سے پکڑتے ہوئے زینے سے نیچے اترے اور ان کے چہرے پر فکر اور صدمے کے اثرات واضح تھے۔
کسی نے انھیں تھوڑی دیر پہلے فون پر بتایا تھا کہ اسرائیلی فوج نے ان کے گھر پر بمباری کی تھی اور ان کا گیارہ ماہ کا لڑکا عمر اس میں جاں بحق ہو گیا تھا۔
جہاد کا گیارہ ماہ کا بچہ عمر
جہاد کا گیارہ ماہ کے لڑکے عمر نے تو ابھی صرف مسکرانا ہی سیکھا تھا۔
کسی بھی باپ سے آپ پوچھیں تو وہ یہی کہے گا کہ اس کے بچے خوبصورت ہیں لیکن عمر تو ’پوسٹر بے بی‘ یعنی تصویروں کی کتاب میں شائع ہونے والے بچوں جیسا تھا۔
اپنے مکان کے ملبے پر کھڑے ہوکر جہاد نے مجھے اپنے موبائل پر کچھ دن قبل لی گئی اپنے بچے کی تصویر دکھائی، ایک گول مٹول بچے کی جو کہ ڈینم کی نیلی ڈانگری میں ملبوس پرام میں لیٹا تھا، کالی آنکھیں، چوڑی پیشانی، نفیس بھورے بال جو اس کی پیشانی پر آ رہے تھے۔
جہاد نے مجھ سے کہا ’اس نے ابھی صرف مسکرانا سیکھا تھا‘ اور پھر ہم دونوں اپنے آنسوؤں کو روکنے کی کوشش کر نے لگے جو امڈ رہے تھے۔
جہاد نے کہا ’عمر کو ابھی صرف دو الفاظ بابا اور ماما کہنے آتے تھے۔‘
جہاد کے فون میں دوسری تصویر بھی تھی جو کہ ایک دلدوز چھوٹی سی جلی ہوئی مسخ شدہ لاش کی تھی، جس میں عمر کا مسکراتا پھول سا چہرہ جو تقریبا جل چکا ہے اور وہ بال جو اس کی پیشانی پر جھوما کرتے تھے وہ اس جلے سر سے چپک ہوئے ہیں۔
اس حملے میں جہاد کی سالی حبہ بھی ہلاک ہوگئی ہیں۔ جہاد نے کہا کہ ’ہمیں ابھی تک ان کا سر نہیں ملا ہے‘۔ اور اس کا بھائی بری طرح جلی ہوئی حالت میں ابھی بھی ہسپتال میں ہے اور اس کے بچنے کی موہوم سی امید ہے۔
جہاد کا ایک بیٹا علی بھی ہے جو چار سال کا ہے اور وہ بھی معمولی زخمی ہے۔ وہ پوچھتا رہتا ہے کہ اس کا چھوٹا بھائی کہاں چلا گیا ہے۔
گیارہ افراد پر مشتمل یہ مشراوی خاندان غزہ کے شبرہ ضلعے کے ایک چھوٹے سے مکان میں رہتا تھا۔ ایک کمرے میں پانچ افراد سویا کرتے تھے۔
اور اب اس کے بستر صرف تارکول کے لیے ہیں اور الماریاں ملبے اور بچوں کے گرد میں اٹے کپڑوں سے بھری ہیں۔
"جہاد کے فون میں دوسری تصویر بھی ہے۔ ایک دلدوز چھوٹی سی لاش، عمر کا مسکراتا پھول سا چہرہ تقریبا جل چکا ہے اور وہ بال جو اس کی پیشانی پر جھوما کرتا تھا وہ اس جلے سر سے چپک چکا ہے۔"
باورچی خانے کے سلیب پر پلاسٹک کے پگھلی ہوئی بوتلیں ہیں جس میں فلسطینی مسالے ہوا کرتے تھے ان کی شکل بگڑ چکی ہے جیسا کہ نیچے ٹوٹے ہوئے شیشوں سے نظر آرہا تھا۔
داخل ہوتے ہی ملنے والے ہال کی آہنی چھت میں دو فٹ چوڑا سوراخ ہے جہاں میزائل آکر لگا تھا۔
ہرچند کہ تمام شواہد یہ ظاہر کرتے ہیں کہ یہ اسرائیلی حملہ ہے تاہم کچھ بلاگ لکھنے والوں نے کہا ہے کہ یہ حماس کے راکٹ سے ہوا ہے جو کہ غلطی سے ادھر چلا گیا ہوگا۔
لیکن اسرائیل آپریشن کے بعد اسرائیل فوج نے کہا تھا کہ غزہ سے مارٹر داغے گئے ہیں اور بہت کم راکٹ برسائے گئے۔ جہاد کے گھر میں مارٹر سے اتنی تباہی نہیں ہو سکتی تھی۔
دوسرے بلاگروں نے لکھا ہے کہ جہاد کے گھر پر ہونے والا حملہ اسرائیل کا معمول کا حملہ نہیں ہے لیکن بی بی سی نے اس ہفتے ان مقامات کا دورہ کیا جہاں اسرائیل نے قبول کیا ہے کہ وہ ان کے ’سرجیکل حملے‘ کے نشانے تھے اور دونوں میں کافی مماثلت ہے۔
جہاد کے گھر پر ہونے والے حملے میں تعمیرات کو تو کم نقصان ہوا ہے لیکن لوگوں کو شدید طور پر جلی ہوئی اور زخمی حالت میں باہر نکالا گیا ہے۔
زیادہ قرین قیاس یہ ہے کہ عمر کی موت ان بیس حملوں میں ہوئی ہوگی جو اسرائیل نے شروع میں غزہ پر کیے تھے۔
ابراہیم دالو
ابراہیم دالو کی عمر بھی گیارہ ماہ ہی تھی۔
عمر دہشت گرد نہیں تھا۔ پھر بھی سرحد کے دونوں جانب عام شہریوں کی ہلاکت قابل افسوس ہے۔ اقوام متحدہ نے کہا ہے کہ ابتدا سے کی گئی تحقیقات میں یہ بات سامنے آئی ہے کہ ہلاک ہونے والے ایک سو اٹھاون لوگوں میں ایک سو تین عام شہری ہیں۔
ان میں سے تیس بچے ہیں اور ان میں سے بارہ بچے دس سال سے کم عمر کے ہیں۔ اس کے علاوہ ان حملوں میں ایک ہزار افراد زخمی ہوئے ہیں۔
جہاد کا بچہ ابتدائی حملے میں ہلاک ہونے والا شاید پہلا بچہ تھا۔ اور آخری بچہ چھ سال کا عبدالرحمان نعیم تھا جو امن معاہدے سے قبل اسرائیلی حملے میں ہلاک ہوا تھا۔
عبدالرحمٰن کے والد ڈاکٹر مجدی غزہ شہر کے شفا ہسپتال میں سپیشلسٹ ڈاکٹر ہیں۔
انہیں اپنے بچے کی موت کا اس وقت علم ہوا جب وہ ایک مریض کا علاج کرنے کے لیے گئے تھے وہاں انھوں نے دیکھا کہ وہ انہی کا لخت جگر تھا۔
بظاہر ڈاکٹر مجدی نے کئی دنوں سے اپنے بچے کو نہیں دیکھا تھا، زخمیوں کے علاج کے سے انہیں فرصت ہی نہیں ملی تھی۔
جہاد کا گھر چھوڑنے سے قبل جہاں وہ ایک الاؤ کے پاس دوسرے غمزدہ افراد کے ساتھ بیٹھے تھے میں نے ان سے ایک احمقانہ سوال پوچھا کہ ’کیا انھیں عمر کی موت پر غصہ ہے؟‘
اپنے بچے کی تصویر پر نظر ڈالتے ہوئے ان کے جبڑے سخت ہو گئے اور انھوں نے کہا، ’ہاں، بہت زیادہ غصہ ہے؟‘
یہ اس شخص نے کہا جس نے کبھی بھی غصے میں اونچی آواز میں بات نہیں کی تھی۔۔۔
مجھے خدا حافظ کہنے سے پہلے جہاد نہ مجھ سے گلے ملتے ہوئے کہا کہ ’میں بہت شرمندہ ہوں جون کہ مجھے رکنا ہو گا اور جب آپ کو میری ضرورت ہے میں آپ کے پاس نہیں ہوں گا۔‘

بنگلہ دیش: فیکٹری میں آگ سے 112 افراد ہلاک

بنگلہ دیش کے دارالحکومت ڈھاکہ کے قریب ایک فیکٹری میں لگنے والی آگ کے نتیجے میں حکام کے مطابق ایک سو بارہ افراد ہلاک اور درجنوں زخمی ہو گئے ہیں۔
آگ سنیچر کی رات کو نو منزلہ فیکٹری میں لگی جس کا نام تزرین فیشن بتایا گیا ہے جو کہ ڈھاکہ کے نواح میں اشولیا کے علاقے میں واقع ہے۔
بعض افراد کی ہلاکت انچائی سے گرنے کی وجہ سے ہوئی جب انہوں نے آگ سے بچنے کے لیے چھلانگ لگائی۔
ابھی تک یہ نہیں معلوم ہو سکا ہے کہ آگ کیسے لگی جس کے بارے میں بتایا جاتا ہے کہ یہ فیکٹری کی دوسری منزل پر لگی اور اس نے جلد پوری عمارت کو اپنی لپیٹ میں لے لیا جس کے وجہ سے اوپر کی منزلوں میں موجود عملے کے بہت سارے افراد اس کی لپیٹ میں آگئے۔
ابتدائی اطلاعات کے مطابق اس آگ کے نتیجے آٹھ افراد ہلاک ہوئے لیکن تباہی کا منظر اس وقت سامنے آیا جب اتوار کی صبح امدادی کارکن آگ بجھنے کے بعد عمارت کے اندر داخل ہوئے۔
ڈھاکہ فائر بریگیڈ کے برگیڈئیر جنرل ابو نعیم محمد شاہداللہ نے خبر رساں ایجنسی اے ایف پی کب بتایا کہ ’ہم نے اتوار کی صبح تلاش دوبارہ شروع کی اور فیکٹری کی مخلتف منزلوں پر ہمیں لاشیں ملیں۔‘
بنگلہ دیش جو کے ملبوسات تیار کرنے والے بڑے ملکوں میں سے ایک ہے میں آگ لگنے سے انسانی جانوں کا ضیاع اکثر ہوتا رہتا ہے۔
بنگلہ دیش جو کے ملبوسات تیار کرنے والے بڑے ملکوں میں سے ایک ہے میں آگ لگنے سے انسانی جانوں کا ضیاع اکثر ہوتا رہتا ہے۔
ان حادثات کی بڑی وجہ حفاظت کے غیر معیاری انتظامات اور بجلی کی خستہ وائرنگ کے علاوہ چھوٹی عمارتوں میں بڑی تعداد میں لوگوں کو جمع کر کے کام کروانا شامل ہے۔
دو ہزار دس میں ایک اور ملبوسات کی فیکٹری میں لگنے والی آگ کے نتیجے میں پچیس افراد ہلاک ہو گئے تھے جس ک وجہ ناقص بجلی کی تاریں تھیں۔
بنگلہ دیش میں چار ہزار پانچ سو کے قریب مختلف فیکٹریاں ہیں جن میں کم از کم بیس لاکھ افراد کام کرتے ہیں۔
ملبوسات بنگلہ دیش کی برامدات کا اسی فیصد ہیں جن سے بنگلہ دیش سالانہ چوبیس بلین ڈالر کماتا ہے۔

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Israel Bombards Gaza As Hamas Rocket Fire

Israeli warplanes blasted Hamas government buildings in the Gaza Strip Saturday in response to continuing Palestinian rocket fire. Israeli air defenses also shot down a Palestinian rocket fired at Tel Aviv, as Israel's Cabinet authorized the call up of 75,000 reservists for a possible ground invasion.
Television footage showed a mound of rubble after Israeli strikes leveled the Gaza office of Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh and his Cabinet. Haniyeh was not there at the time. Israeli missiles also hit rocket launching sites and weapons smuggling tunnels.
As a fourth day of fighting raged, U.S. President Barack Obama continued to press Egypt, Turkey and other nations capable of influencing Hamas to help bring about a cease-fire.
Speaking to reporters accompanying the president to Southeast Asia, Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes repeated the U.S. position that Israel has a right to defend itself against rocket fire from Gaza. He said the president has spoken to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by phone as well as Egyptian President Mohamad Morsi and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
Late Saturday, foreign ministers from the Cairo-based Arab League were meeting in emergency session to discuss an Arab response to the fighting. Separately, Egypt's President Morsi hosted meetings Saturday with Turkish and Qatari leaders to coordinate the delivery of emergency aid to Gaza.
More than 100 Hamas rockets rained down on Israel Saturday, reaching far north as Tel Aviv, where sirens wailed early in the day.
Israel's military says its new “Iron Dome” missile defense system shot down an incoming rocket bound for Tel Aviv — one of several Hamas has fired at Israel's commercial center since fighting erupted Wednesday.
Israel says “Iron Dome” has intercepted nearly 250 Hamas rockets fired this week..
Palestinian officials say at least 42 people have died in Gaza, including militants and civilians, since the Israelis began their air strikes Wednesday. Hamas rockets have killed three Israeli civilians. About 10 Israelis including some soldiers were injured by rocket fire on Saturd

Friday, 16 November 2012

کیا آپ نے غزہ کی اس ویڈیو کے بارے میں سنا ہے جو بار بار یو ٹیوب اور فیس بک سے ہٹا دی جاتی ہے

کیا آپ نے غزہ کی اس ویڈیو کے بارے میں سنا ہے جو بار بار یو ٹیوب اور فیس بک سے ہٹا دی جاتی ہے اور پھر کوئی نا کوئی سر پھرا اسے نئے نام سے پوسٹ کردیتا ہے؟ اگر نہیں سنا تو اسے اب دیکھ لیں۔ اسے دنیا کی سب سے المناک ویڈیو قرار دیا جاتا ہے اور دیکھنے والا اپنے آنسو نہیں روک سکتا۔..

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Father of flying fish found in China: palaeontologists

PARIS: Palaeontologists in China say they have found the world's oldest flying fish, a strange, snub-nosed creature that glided over water in a bid to evade predators some 240 million years ago.

Fossils in Chinese museum collections have been dusted off, dated and categorised to reveal that the flying fish is a much older creature than thought, the palaeontologists wrote in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

A specimen named Potanichthys xingyiensis lived in the Middle Triassic period between 235 million and 242 million years ago and is up to 27 million years older than the previous record-holder, a species found in Europe, said the study.

The Triassic geological period predated the Jurassic some 200 million to 150 million years ago, when dinosaurs thrived.

P. xingyiensis presents "the earliest evidence of over-water gliding in vertebrates," co-author Guang-Hui Xu of the Institute of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Palaeoanthropology in China told AFP.

It was already gliding some 80 million years before the emergence of birds, which are thought to be the descendants of small feathery dinosaurs.

Scientists believe that flying fish evolved out of a need to flee attack from predators.

The newly named specimen was only 15 centimetres (six inches) long and had four "wings" -- two big, adapted pectoral fins and a smaller, auxiliary pelvic pair.

The fish had a large, forked tail fin that may have been used to launch it for over-water gliding.

Xu said this was the first flying fish ever to be found in Asia from the prehistoric Triassic period, a time when the super-continent Pangaea was starting to break up into the different landmasses we know today.

The only other Triassic flying fish hitherto known were somewhat younger and came from Austria and Italy.

Potanichthys xingyiensis is a composite term meaning "winged fish of Xingyi", the Chinese city near which the fossil was found. (AFP)

Storm Sandy: Transport chaos as floods recede

At least 40 people have been killed, millions are without power and transport across the north-eastern US has been severely disrupted as storm Sandy heads north for Canada.

In New York City, 18 people have been killed and the public transport system remains closed until further notice.
Damaged boardwalk in Atlantic City, New Jersey
More than 18,000 flights were cancelled, the flight-tracking website FlightAware estimates.

Earlier, Sandy killed nearly 70 people as it hit the Caribbean.

Sandy brought a record storm surge of almost 14ft (4.2m) to central Manhattan, well above the previous record of 10 feet (3m) during Hurricane Donna in 1960, the National Weather Service said.

The storm was causing heavy snowfalls over the Appalachian mountains on Tuesday afternoon. It was expected to turn towards western New York state during the evening before moving into Canada on Wednesday, the forecaster said.

Continue reading the main story
The greatest storms on Earth

A tropical storm is classified as a hurricane when wind speeds reach 74 mph (115km/h)
A hurricane can expend as much energy as 10,000 nuclear bombs over its lifecycle
The hurricane's spiral is due to the Coriolis Effect, which is generated by the Earth's rotation
What are the ingredients for a perfect storm?
Lower Manhattan 'post-apocalyptic'
In pictures: After Storm Sandy
At least eight million homes and businesses are without power because of the storm, says the US Department of Energy.

The New York Stock Exchange says it will re-open on Wednesday after two days' closure, as will the Nasdaq exchange. The last time the stock exchange shut down for two days was in 1888.

New York's subway system sustained the worst damage in its 108-year history, said Joseph Lhota, head of the Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA).

Subway tunnels were flooded and electrical equipment will have to be cleaned before the network can re-open.

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said there was "no timeline" for when the subway would restart, but he hoped buses could begin running again on Wednesday.

All New York's major airports have been closed as their runways are flooded, but John F Kennedy airport and Newark in New Jersey are due to reopen at 0700 (1100 GMT) on Wednesday, with a reduced service.

It is likely to be two or three days before power is restored to most of the city, Mr Bloomberg said.

The Path commuter train service, which links New Jersey and New York City, is likely to remain suspended for seven to 10 days, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie told a news conference.

The tidal surge from the storm left fields of debris 7ft (2.25m) high and carried small railway goods cars onto elevated sections of the New Jersey Turnpike, he said.

A large section of Atlantic City's famous boardwalk was destroyed when Sandy slammed into the New Jersey shore
President Barack Obama suspended campaigning for a third day ahead of next week's presidential election so that he could supervise the clean-up.

His Republican challenger Mitt Romney resumed low-key campaigning on Tuesday, converting a rally into a storm relief event in the swing state of Ohio.

Governor Christie, a Republican and staunch supporter of Mr Romney, went out of his way to praise the Democratic president for his handling of the storm.

"I spoke to the president three times yesterday," Mr Christie told CNN. "He's been incredibly supportive and helpful to our state and not once did he bring up the election... If he's not bringing it up, I'm certainly not going to bring it up."

The cost of clearing up after the storm is likely to run to $30-40bn (£18-24bn), says the BBC's business correspondent Mark Gregory - far less than than the $100bn cost of clearing up after Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

In other developments:

US federal agencies in Washington DC will re-open on Wednesday
Fire destroyed about 50 homes in the New York City borough of Queens
More than 200 patients were evacuated from New York University's Tisch Hospital after power went out and a backup generator failed
Three nuclear reactors have been closed due to electrical supply and cooling system problems; a fourth was put on alert because of rising water.

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Sandy: Storm-hit New York declared major disaster area

US President Barack Obama has declared a "major disaster" in New York state after storm Sandy smashed into the US East Coast, causing flooding and cutting power to millions.

A record 4m (13ft) tidal surge sent seawater cascading into large parts of New York City's subway system.

Across the city, a power sub-station exploded, a hospital was evacuated and fire destroyed 50 homes.

At least 15 people are reported dead across several US states.

They include:
Flooded Brooklyn Battery Tunnel in New York. 30 Oct 2012
At least five people killed by the storm in New York state, including a 30-year-old man crushed by a falling tree in the New York City borough of Queens
Three killed in New Jersey, including two parents whose car was crushed by a falling tree; their two children, 11 and 14, survived
A woman in West Virginia who died in a collision in heavy snow caused by the storm
In northern New Jersey, a rescue operation is reported to be under way after a levee broke and flooded the town of Moonachie.

Bergen County chief of staff Jeanne Baratta told CNN: "Moonachie has been devastated. Every street has got four or five feet of water on it."

At least six million homes and businesses are without power. In all, about 50 million people could be affected by the storm, with up to a million ordered to evacuate their homes.

The Battery Tunnel in New York City was flooded
Sandy, now downgraded from a hurricane but described as a "super-storm", is churning north and heading for Canada.

Over the past week, Sandy has killed more than 80 people as it carved a path of destruction through the Caribbean.

Continue reading the main story
Start Quote

The New York City subway system is 108 years old, but it has never faced a disaster as devastating as what we experienced last night”

New York City transport director Joseph Lhota
Storm Sandy: Your stories
In pictures: After Storm Sandy
The storm made landfall close to Atlantic City in New Jersey on Monday at about 20:00 local time (midnight GMT), with winds of more than 80mph (129km/h).

It collided with cold weather fronts from the west and north to create what some forecasters have dubbed a "Frankenstorm".

Much of Atlantic City was under water and 30,000 residents were evacuated.

In New York City, parts of Lower Manhattan were quickly inundated as the Hudson and East rivers overflowed. Seawater poured into road tunnels and the subway system. Images showed cars being swept along streets by the torrent.

"The New York City subway system is 108 years old, but it has never faced a disaster as devastating as what we experienced last night," city transport director Joseph Lhota said early on Tuesday.

City officials had earlier ordered some 375,000 residents out of Lower Manhattan and other areas under threat.

"Lower Manhattan is being covered by seawater," Howard Glaser, director of operations for the New York state government, was quoted as saying. "I am not exaggerating. Seawater is rushing into the Battery Tunnel."

Battery Tunnel links Manhattan with Long Island.

The city's Consolidated Edison utility provider said an explosion at a sub-station, probably caused by flooding or flying debris, blacked out much of Lower Manhattan.

Matthew Trowbridge and Susan Burke Mangano filmed flooding in Ocean City, New Jersey
The company said about 500,000 homes in Manhattan were without power.

As dawn broke, residents emerged to see the havoc wreaked by the storm.

In other developments:

Fire has destroyed about 50 homes in the New York City borough of Queens
More than 200 patients were evacuated from New York University's Tisch Hospital after power went out and a backup generator failed
A large tanker ship has been washed on to a street in Staten Island, New York
America's oldest nuclear power plant, Oyster Creek in New Jersey, was put on alert due to rising water, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission said
The New York Stock Exchange will stay shut on Tuesday - the first time it has closed for two consecutive days owing to weather since 1888
A crew member from a replica of HMS Bounty has died and the captain is missing after the ship sank in mountainous seas off North Carolina on Monday
A construction crane in New York was bent double next to a skyscraper, while the facade of a four-storey building collapsed.
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said the storm surge had surpassed the highest forecast, but he expected waters to start receding.

Continue reading the main story

At least 16 people dead, including one in Canada
1m ordered to leave their homes
50m people estimated to be affected, with 6m left without power
800-mile (1,290 km) stretch of the US affected
10,000 flights reported grounded globally on Monday and Tuesday
Manhattan hit by record storm surge of 13.7ft (4.15m) on Tuesday morning
At 05:00 EDT (09:00 GMT) the National Hurricane Center placed the centre of Sandy about 90 miles (145km) west of Philadelphia with maximum sustained winds of 65mph (105km/h) with higher gusts.

Forecasters have said Sandy could linger over as many as 12 states for 24-36 hours.

President Obama has also declared emergencies in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

Public transport has been suspended in the US capital, New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Boston.

Amtrak has suspended passenger train services across the north-east, while nearly 14,000 flights were cancelled, according to

Up to 3ft (91cm) of snow was expected to fall on the Appalachian mountains in West Virginia, Virginia and Kentucky.

The disaster-estimating firm Eqecat has forecast that Sandy could cause economic losses to the US of between $10bn and $20bn (£6.2bn-£12.4bn)
Map locator

video USA

Flooding in the Carey Tunnel, New York City. 29 Oct 2012

Sandy's trail of devastation: 16 dead, millions in the dark -- and it's not over

Saturday, 27 October 2012



Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Cartoons for Change

Cartoons- a world of imagination for children


For a child anything that comes in the form of a cartoon becomes highly attractive and not only in terms of amusement but also in terms of observing the minute details of a cartoon, like his clothes, his actions, way of speaking, his goals, a child gets lost into a world of imagination while watching a cartoon where he assumes himself to be the super hero.

A cartoon character means more than a teacher
Since, I am also teaching some children, I must say that the image of a cartoon character in a child’s brain holds more meaning than that of a school teacher, which means that a child is more likely to follow his favorite cartoon character more than his teacher. The age group of 5-10 years is an age that does not depend upon logic when it comes to entertainment; rather no matter how rich or poor a child is or in what environment he has be raised, when it comes to cartoons, all of them react the same way and in their real life, try to reflect their ideal cartoon character as best as they can.

Minute details are keenly observed

While watching Tom & Jerry, I asked a couple of questions with a child and I was shocked to see how minutes details does a child observes in a cartoon, such as, I asked him , this house where Tom & Jerry live looks weird, coz we don’t have such kind of houses do we? And he said this is the house of the owner of Tom, who is strict and keep her house clean at all times, and because Tom is destroying her cleanliness, she kicks him out most of the time.

Long Live Tom & Jerry

Then came a scene about traffic and cars and I asked the boy why does Tom gets hit by the car and to my surprise the little 7 years old told me that you have to follow the rules of traffic and Tom is not careful that’s he gets into accident, I asked him further about what is that thing that  is always outside the house, and he told me that it is a letter box where the post man drops the letters, I asked about the dog house where “Spike” lives and he replied that dogs also require small houses so on and so forth. But for a second I thought that this boy does not have the house like the show in this cartoon, there is no dog house in his garden and there is no such thing as a traffic light where they also show when to walk and when not to talk but still this child has the imagination and is learning from the cartoons the basics of a normal life.
A moral lesson nonetheless
In this cartoon, children observe that the streets are always clean, garbage goes to the trash can, the neighborhood is full of trees and greenery and though all this is far away from the reality in our own country but these young innocent minds have the power to imagine all this in the same setting as they could have been in our country, had it been developed. But when our model child stops watching the cartoon and interacts with the real life, he often rejects the whole image that he creates while watching the cartoon, as it is a contradiction to what is real. The streets are not clean, there is no greenery, there is no cleanliness, there is no Santa Claus, in fact there is nothing like they show in the international cartoon. But for a child in the US this whole experience must have been the foundation that is needed to produce a responsible citizen.

Only by telling our children to study is not the only thing that is required, instead the first thing is need is to motivate the child to become a useful and responsible citizen, for which we are not doing anything. Many children in Pakistan do not want to study, which is fact, and we should understand that these children require a great deal of motivation before they can head to school.
Anti-bacterial soaps campaigns have brought out the best cartoons
The best example is the recent cartoon campaign of some anti-bacterial soaps which was an excellent effort, our children saw their own neighborhood in the form of a cartoon. The children of this age group really wash their hands as they are told in the cartoon and most importantly, alongside getting the message of washing hands our children can also understand why we always tell them not to buy junk food from a roadside “thaila”, and the very message of this cartoon will stay in the mind of a child for a life time.

Talking cartoons vs silent ones

I gave the example of Tom&Jerry because it is pretty much silent cartoon and language does not play an important role in conveying the message, which is because I want to assert here that by translating a cartoon that has been designed for a child in US or UK is not healthy for your child’s imagination. Instead if a Cartoon series is made in our own language that reflects the life of an ordinary child then this may be more appealing for our children to understand their surroundings and to act responsibly even without having the traffic lights.

Kids love the silliest cartoons

No matter how silly a cartoon we can come up with, it will be appreciated by children. We can motivate them to show tolerance with people from different provinces, we can show them how to respect the roadside beggers of their age groups, we can also tell them how education would help them in their life. And then only we will be able to see a Pakistan where children are proud of themselves, either they are rich or poor, either they are studying in a expensive school or a cheap school, such cartoon could serve as a point where all the young minds get their lessons to be a responsible citizens of future.

Cartoon can be an element of radical change in society
With such an incredible tool, I do not understand why our media does not launch a transmission for children on every channel, where original Pakistani cartoons are to be shown, without the need of translating international cartoons. People might think that by showing their children some foreign cartoons they are getting their children aquatinted with the rest of the world but this acquaintance is totally pointless and the message of the cartoons does not get delivered if the child does not see the reflection in his own life. Our children firstly need to understand their own surroundings, and through cartoons we can at least provide the population cohorts of 2005 onwards, with a better understanding of their country and their role in development of this country.
Cartoon for imagination and lessons

The purpose of a cartoon or a series designed for children is solely to enhance the power of imagination that every child has equally. This is the power that makes a child a responsible citizen and eventually a valuable asset in the development of a country. But we concentrate only on the language and by translating we consider our job done, which is totally nonsensical. You are delivering the message but there is no application of the message you are delivering. Instead address  the social issues in such cartoons to make the children well aware of the challenges they are to face in their lives.

Translated cartoons produce a generation of wannabes

By translating cartoons, showing our children dance programs, we do not realize it but we are contributing in producing yet another “generation of wannebes” a generation that always looks to the west for inspiration, which is totally not healthy for a third world country like Pakistan.

At least One Pakistani cartoon needed for change

If we really wish to see a progressive new generation then firstly we have to design at least one cartoon character made in Pakistan. We have to make sure that this generation will contribute in the progress instead of following the traditional trend of skipping and running away from problems.

Karachi: Nine more fall prey to target killing

KARACHI: Nine more people including two brothers and a doctor were killed in unabated incidents of target killing in the metropolis on Tuesday, News reported.

Police said unidentified armed men ridding on motorcycle opened fire on two brothers in Soldier Bazaar No.2. The injured were being rushed to hospital when they succumbed to injuries.

When contacted, SP Jamshed town Asad Raza said the incident was result of target killing, adding their another brother was also inured in firing few days back.

Ahl-e-Sunnat Wal Jamaat spokesman said the deceased were sympathizers of their party.

In another incident, armed men barged into the clinic in Baldia town and shot dead Dr. Abdul Hameed. The accused shot dead a shopkeeper identified as Bashir Bhatti at a walking distance from the clinic.

SP Baldia town told Geo News that both the incidents were target killing.

Other incidents took place in Landhi, Purana Golimar, New Karachi, North Nazimabab and Shah Latif town.

Apple unveils smaller iPad, the iPad mini

SAN JOSE: Apple unveiled a smaller version of the iPad on Tuesday, venturing into the market for smaller tablet computers dominated by Amazon, Google, and Samsung.

"This is iPad mini," Apple's senior vice president for marketing Phil Schiller said as he displayed the new iPad at an Apple event in San Jose.

"This isn't just a shrunken down iPad," Schiller said. "It is an entirely new design." The iPad mini's touchscreen measures 7.9 inches diagonally compared to 9.7 inches on the original iPad.

Apple also unveiled a fourth generation of the original iPad on Tuesday and the California-based company said it has sold over 100 million of the devices in two and a half years.

Apple set the tablet computer market ablaze with the first iPad in early 2010 and stuck with its 9.7-inch screen while rivals introduced lower-price tablets with screens closer to seven inches.

Amazon's seven-inch Kindle Fire proved popular last year, and a new version was launched last month.

Meanwhile, a Google Nexus 7 powered by Android software joined the Samsung Galaxy in the seven-inch tablet market. (AFP)

Millions arrive Mekkah to perform Hajj

MAKKAH MUKARRAMAH: Millions of faithful from across the world have arrived here for the performance of Hajj, while the main pillar of Hajj ‘Waquf-e-Arafat’ will be performed on Thursday, Geo News reported.

The teeming millions of Muslim devotees will be reaching Mina tomorrow evening from Makkah Mukarrama for the performance of Hajj rituals. The biggest tent village will be erected in Mina, where over 2.5 millions of pilgrims will pass the night.

Following overnight stay in Mina, the pilgrims will leave for Maidan-e-Arafat, where they will offer Zuhar and Asar prayers together in Masjid-e-Nimrah after Khutba-e-Hajj. Wuquf in Arafat is performed from Zuhr to sunset on the 9th of Zul Hijjah of Islamic year. The main action in Wuquf is not to pray lots of Nafls but to just stand facing the Baitul Haram (Sacred House) asking Allah (SWT) for forgiveness while recognizing Him as our Lord.

After sunset the pilgrims will then leave for Mazdalfah, which is six kilometer away from Maidan-e-Arafat. The pilgrims will offer Maghrib and Isha prayers together at Mazdalfah. During overnight stay at Mazdalfah, the pilgrims will collect the pebbles for ‘Rami Jumrat’ and after sunrise will leave for Mina.

On the third day of the Hajj, the pilgrims will offer Fajr prayer at Mazdalfah and after sunrise will leave for Mina, where pilgrims will strike at Jamratul Aqabah, the biggest of ‘Jumra’ by throwing pebbles. After Rami, the pilgrims sacrifice animals, shave off their heads and put their Ahram off.

Later, they will proceed to Makkah Mukarramah, where they will perform Tawaf-e-Ziyarat in Masjidul Haram and Sai between Safa and Marwa. Then the pilgrims will leave for Mina.

The government of Saudi Arabia has made foolproof arrangements for this huge congregation of pilgrims. Special arrangements have also been made for making the chance of any stampede remote.

Friday, 19 October 2012

Malala stable in UK hospital: doctors

                Malala stable in UK hospital: doctors

LONDON: Malala Yousafzai, the 14-year-old Pakistani girl shot in the head by the Taliban was in a stable condition in a British hospital on Wednesday as well-wishers from around the world left her messages of support.

Doctors said Malala Yousafzai spent a second comfortable night at the highly specialised Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, central England, which is accustomed to treating British soldiers wounded in Afghanistan.

On Wednesday she "remained in a stable condition and continued to impress doctors by responding well to her care," a hospital spokesman said.

The teenager's family were still in Pakistan, he added.

Malala was shot on a school bus in the former Taliban stronghold of the Swat valley last week as a punishment for campaigning for the right of girls to an education, in an attack which outraged the world.

She came to prominence with a blog for the BBC highlighting atrocities under the Taliban, the hardline Islamists who terrorised the Swat valley from 2007 until an army offensive in 2009.

The teenager had a bullet removed from her skull during an operation in Pakistan last week.

Donations towards her care, which is being funded by the Pakistani government, are being received by the Queen Elizabeth Hospital's charity while hundreds of people have left messages of support on the hospital's website, lauding her campaigning and praying for her recovery.

The hospital later announced that a special fund had been set up to deal with the influx of donations.

"When she is well enough we will ask her how she wants those donations to be spent in support of the care she is receiving," said the hospital trust's website.

The well-wishers are from countries including Pakistan, Britain, India, the United States, Libya, Canada, Brazil, Australia, Myanmar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Ireland, New Zealand, the Philippines, Rwanda and the Netherlands.

"We the Pakistanis are so sorry that a little girl like you had to stand up for all of us. If we had shown some courage you would have been safe and healthy today. Malala, get well please, we need you," wrote Durre Nayab.

"Please accept my and my family's gratitude for what you have stood for. You are a true daughter of Pakistan. We are in your debt forever. Get well soon," said Munir Pervaiz.

Ajmal Khan wrote: "We salute your courage and your commitment toward your cherished goal.

"I personally was in tears when I heard of your ordeal. But hopefully you will get well soon and start your mission again with the same spirit and agility."

A message book has also been opened at Council House, the headquarters of Birmingham's local authority.

Birmingham has a 100,000-strong ethnic Pakistani community -- a tenth of the city's population.

Cards, letters and gifts to Malala are being handled by the city's Pakistani consulate. (AFP)

ملالہ یوسف زئی کی طبیعت اطمینان بخش ہے، ڈاکٹرز کوئن ایلزبتھ اسپتال

برمنگھم … برمنگھم کے کوئن ایلزبتھ اسپتال میں زیر علاج ملالہ یوسف زئی کی طبیعت بہتر ہے۔ کوئن ایلزبتھ اسپتال کے ترجمان نے بتایا کہ ملالہ یوسف زئی کی 24 گھنٹے دیکھ بھال کی جارہی ہے، ملالہ کی طبیعت اطمینان بخش ہے۔ ڈاکٹر ز کے علاج کے وقت ملالہ کاردعمل بہترہے، ملالہ کی صحت یابی کیلئے ہزاروں کی تعداد میں پیغامات اور تحائف اسپتال بھیجے جارہے ہیں مگر اسپتال انتظامیہ نے انہیں وصول کرنے سے انکار کردیا ہے۔

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Memories of War in India and China

                   Memories of an unsung war

Indian jawans in a bunker in a forward area in NEFA. The Hindu Photo Archives
Indian jawans in a bunker in a forward area in NEFA. The Hindu Photo Archives

The cremation of the men of the 4th Rajput battalion. The miraculous escape of two men of the HQ 7 Brigade. And a doctor's determination to bring back the wounded. Fifty years after the ill-fated 1962 Indo-China war, here are stories of valour and loss, memories that may soon be lost forever.

Fifty years have passed since the 1962 war and it resides in our collective memory as a debacle. There have been some personal accounts by men who fought, along with analytical accounts of what went wrong by others less emotionally involved. Of all the five wars that India fought, 1962 has always been viewed as the misfortune of an unprepared army in the face of a superior foe. What have been lost are the stories of how men fought with outdated equipment, not geared for the harsh winters, often to die to the last man standing.

Those who witnessed the war or were affected by it are now in the autumn of their lives. With their passing, a whole generation of living history will be gone. However each old timer’s memories of the war remain as distinct as individual fingerprints, outlined with its own patina of adventure and pain. Fifty years since the war, memories have now become anecdotes. In times to come, with the passing of these witnesses, their stories may never find a place even in the periphery of our memories of this unsung war.

Nine days of fire

In October 1962, Sangja Gompu had just turned 17. He lived in the picturesque, windswept Namchi village, close to Tenga in the Kameng Sector in what was then known as the North East Frontier Agency. Blessed with a sturdy muscular body and the rugged looks of the Mompa tribe, he had begun working as a porter for the Indian army. It wasn’t easy carrying 60 to 70 kg up steep mountain slopes to remote forward posts, some as high as 13,000 to 15,000 feet. Now 67, he no longer works as a porter. He has an ample girth and the booming voice of a master storyteller. His voice rises and falls as he relives anecdotes from the past. His most dramatic tale is how, following the ceasefire, he was asked to be a guide to a Major and 26 men and show them the route to the Lagyala Gompa.

Perched on a remote hillside overlooking the village of Morshing, the Gompa is one of the holiest Buddhist shrines in Arunachal Pradesh, older than the famed Tawang Monastery. Sangja led the Major and his men up the steep incline, lush with rhododendron forests and moss-ridden pine trees.

“Above the Gompa, we found a cross nailed on a pine tree,” he says. “It was engraved with a dire message. It said that there were 336 men buried in that spot. To this day I remember this number. I was sent down to Morshing village to get more men to help dig up the mass grave. It was a terrible sight. The Chinese had buried the soldiers with their weapons and ammunition intact. The snow and the cold had preserved the bodies. One body had been wrapped in a blanket. We presumed it was the CO sahib. The major decided to cremate them. A priest was called. Every day we would dig up 50 bodies, lay them out in a row and spread a white sheet over them. A pundit would chant some mantra and sprinkle Ganga jal, followed with ghee and kerosene. The moment the pyre was lit we had to run and hide as the ammunition went off. It took us nine days to cremate the men of the 4th Rajput battalion.”
The Gorsam Chorten: Hiding in the forest. Photo: Madhu Gurung
T.K. Gupta who escaped the Chinese in the company of Maj. Nijjar. Photo: Madhu Gurung
Led by Lt. Col. Brahmanand Awasthi, the men of 4th Rajput had been ambushed by the Chinese when they were withdrawing from Sela to Bomdila. They fought to the last man standing. A black granite plaque that commemorates their valour indicates their date of martyrdom as November 23, 1962.
Dr. Kamakhya Chakravarty who volunteered to travel to Dirang to bring back prisoners of war. Photo: Madhu Gurung
Dr. Kamakhya Chakravarty who volunteered to travel to Dirang to bring back prisoners of war. Photo: Madhu Gurung
Sangja says those nine days remain etched in his memory. “I felt very sad but was also filled with a deep sense of awe at the courage of these men who did not surrender but fought till the last. It must have been the same admiration for the formidable resistance by their fallen foe that led the Chinese army to bury them.”
Lobsang who helped Indian soldiers escape. Photo: Madhu Gurung

Lobsang who helped Indian soldiers escape. Photo: Madhu Gurung

Among those martyred was Lt. Col. Awasthi. His wife, Sushila, bore the bitter loss stoically. She never remarried and brought up her daughter single-handed, saw her marry and start a family of her own. Sushila’s lone wish was that her ashes should be scattered around the memorial at Lagyala, where her husband died fighting. Sushila Awasthi died in 2011. The men of 4th Rajput carried out her wishes, 49 years after her husband was martyred on that isolated hillside.

Flight to freedom

Brig. T.K. Gupta was a Captain in 1962, an Intelligence Officer with Brig. J.P. Dalvi in HQ 7 Brigade. Now 78, he is based in Kolkata and works as the head of security for the Indian Tea Association. He remembers clearly the days of the war. “It was on October 20, 1962, that the Chinese began shelling us in earnest. Before that there had been only a show of muscle and each side was watchful and alert. The brigade headquarter was asked to withdraw to Tsangdhar, so we left; Brig. Dalvi, Maj. Talwar, Maj. Gopal, Maj. Nijjar and myself. That morning there was so much of shelling that, every two minutes, we had to stop and orient ourselves as we withdrew. We travelled non-stop and, by nightfall, came across a cave where we rested. No one had eaten since the previous evening. Maj. Nijjar had a bad knee and could not walk. I developed chilblains. We stayed back to recoup while the rest went ahead,” recalls Brig. Gupta.

The two officers later climbed down towards Gorsam Chorten. The chorten, built on the lines of Swayambunath in Nepal with magnetic eyes painted on all four sides of the sanctum, stood out dramatically in the thick fir forest. Close by flowed the Nyamjang Chu, which the Chinese had crossed when the waters had ebbed. Around them the forest was full of withdrawing Indian troops and ambushing Chinese. Retributions were swift and merciless.

Somehow the two men stumbled upon a shepherd’s hut occupied by a local couple who gave them some smoked yak meat to assuage their hunger. They spent one night sitting on logs under a bridge occupied by the Chinese. Says Brig. Gupta, “We watched the Chinese moving around in our vehicles. They had even rebuilt the Jung bridge across the Tawang Chu, which we had destroyed.” Eventually the two officers crept up to a nearby village. Peering into the Mompa huts, they recognised some men who had come to Tawang to paint their Officers’ Mess. “We walked in, to their amazement. The villagers fed us and hid us in a pigsty, as Chinese patrols were around. At dawn, they got us to shave off our six-day stubble. They gave us traditional Mompa clothes, put six-pronged yak hair caps on our heads and walked us to the edge of the village.”
A black granite plaque that commemorates the valour of the 4th Rajput battalion at Lageylo Gompa. Photo: Madhu Gurung
A black granite plaque that commemorates the valour of the 4th Rajput battalion at Lageylo Gompa. Photo: Madhu Gurung
There used to be four cane bridges over the Tawang Chu. Two had been destroyed by retreating Indian troops and two remained at Muktu and Kheed. “Carrying baskets like the porters, with straps around our heads, Maj. Nijjar and I moved with a group of Mompa porters from Lau basti. As we were much taller and darker skinned than the porters, they surrounded us from all sides and we made our way across the swaying cane bridge. Once we crossed the bridge, they put us on the road to Tashigaon in Bhutan. We survived because of them.” Brig. Gupta regrets that they never had a chance to thank the men who saved them.

Bringing back the boys

Dr. Kamakhya Chakravarty lives in Tezpur, Assam. At 85, he looks years younger and his home serves as his clinic. Dr. Chakravarty was working in the Tezpur Civil hospital (now known as Kanaklata hospital) when he began hearing rumours of a Chinese invasion. Soon announcements went out over the public address system at the local church, advising people to evacuate the town. “Wherever I went on my cycle, I would see a mass exodus of people congregating at ferry points to leave Tezpur.” Many of his friends and family left but he decided against it. “I wasn’t going anywhere, Chinese or no Chinese.” By November 18, Tezpur was a ghost town.
T.K. Gupta who escaped the Chinese in the company of Maj. Nijjar. Photo: Madhu Gurung
Then unilateral ceasefire was declared. “A month later the Indian Red Cross Society came to our hospital to scout for volunteer doctors to travel to Dirang in Arunachal Pradesh to get back wounded soldiers who were prisoners of war. I volunteered. I thought it was adventurous.”

Led by Col. Ahluwalia, three doctors set out for Dirang where the Chinese had set up a POW camp. He recalls, “Early on December 18, we were taken to Misamari, given breakfast and driven to Tenga and then to Bomdila. We reached there in the afternoon. We had early dinner but none of us could sleep, as the high altitude gave us a headache. The next morning we reached Dirang. There were three Chinese doctors, including a lady, waiting for us. Col. Aluwalia said, “Ab sab le ley puttar (Take them all now, son),” and we started taking over our soldiers. It took us three hours to go over the details and paper work to take over 460 soldiers. About 10 were on intravenous drips; most were frostbite cases, others had bullet injuries. They also gave us the bodies of soldiers they had treated but who didn’t survive. We loaded the sick and the wounded into trucks, making the serious cases comfortable with painkillers and assurances that they would be okay. I promised myself that I would ensure that each soldier we took back survived.”

The convoy of over 100 trucks left at night. “At a camp in Bomdila we were given some food but, by the time the last truck moved, the food was over. It didn’t bother us; we were more concerned that everyone stays alive. The convoy travelled all night. While we were negotiating a treacherous bend, I heard someone call out from the road. We stopped. A faint torch showed some soldiers standing by the roadside in the bitter cold. We thought they wanted a lift but they stood there with food packets. It was puri and sabzi. The puris were cold and hard but they were so welcome. Only the Army can do such a thing. The message had gone out that we had not eaten and these boys had been waiting for us.” The convoy reached Tezpur military hospital at three in the morning. “All 460 soldiers were brought in alive. It was a big relief for us.”

When the Chinese came

Dorje Tsering was 15 when the war started. Today he runs Guru Padmasambhava Memorial School in Bomdila. “When the war started we were living the farmhouse near Singarthung. Lots of Chinese died there during cross fire between the Chinese and Indian troops. The Chinese army never left their dead. The soldiers who died near our village were buried in the field and after two days the Chinese came again and dug them up, put them in trucks and took them home. The Chinese came to our village and distributed posters of Mao Tse Tung. They came with entertainment troupes and would hold feasts for the whole village. They said, ‘Look at us we are all alike, our blood is the same. It is the Hindus who are different.’ They helped the villagers in harvesting and fixing their houses damaged during shelling. But the villagers were afraid of them, they all knew what had happened in Tibet when families had been separated forever and sons taken away to labour camps.

My mother sent me to fetch water from the stream near the forest by our house and as I was returning I heard someone call out ‘Oye Lama,’ I knew it was some Indian soldier as they called all Mompas Lama. I saw a soldier emerge from the bushes and he told me that he had not eaten for nearly 10-12 days. I took him home and gave him our traditional food, he tried but he could not eat too much. He gave me Rs.10 and left.

Saving a soldier

Lobsang was 13 during the war. His mother sent him to fetch water from the stream in the forest. When coming, he heard someone calling out. It was an Indian soldier hidden behind bushes, his feet oozing blood, as if someone had knifed his soles. “I gave him water and ran home to tell my mother. She and my uncle came back with me. Between them they dragged him to a small hut used as a lookout to watch over the crop and hid him there. Mother said that we should not tell anyone, not even our neighbours, as they may report to the Chinese. We kept him hidden for nine days. My uncle knew about traditional medicine; so he would put a balm of tithe patta and haldi on his foot every day. Slowly he could walk with the help of a bamboo stick. On the ninth day he was ready to leave so uncle gave him our traditional gadamchola, (a long woollen jacket) and helped him to the end of the stream. I do not know what happened to him but we all hoped he survived.”
 battalion, 1962 Indo-China war, Indian war heroes, war memories, unsung wars

سنہ انیس سو باسٹھ میں چین کے ساتھ جنگ میں بھارت کو شکست ہوئی تھی

کوئی بھی شخص جو میری طرح ہمالیہ کی بلندیوں میں چین کے ساتھ عارضی لیکن تلخ سرحدی جنگ کا گواہ ہے، وہ نصف صدی کے بعد بھی وہ صدمہ بھولا نہیں ہے جس میں بھارتی فوج کی شکست ہوئی تھی اور سیاسی طور پر ناکامی بھی۔
اس جنگ کی تاریخ کو اتنی باریکی سے لکھا گیا ہے کہ اس زمین پر دوبارہ چلنے کی ضرورت نہیں کیونکہ اس پر بہت اچھی طرح سے کام کیا جا چکا ہے
یہ کہنا کافی ہوگا جیسا جواہر لال نہرو کے سرکاری سوانح عمری لکھنے والے ایس گوپال نے لکھا تھا ’چیزیں اتنی بری طرح غلط ہوئیں کہ اگر ایسا واقعی میں نہیں ہوتا، تو ان پر یقین کرنا مشکل ہوجاتا۔‘
لیکن ایسا ہوا کہ بھارت کے اس وقت کے صدر ایس رادھاكرشن نے اپنی حکومت پر آسانی سے یقین کرنے اور نظر انداز کرنے کا الزام لگا دیا۔
جواہر لال نہرو نے بھی خود پارلیمنٹ میں کہا تھا ’ہم جدید دنیا کی حقیقت سے رابطہ بھول گئے تھے اور ہم ایک مصنوعی ماحول میں رہ رہے تھے جسے ہم نے ہی تیار کیا تھا۔‘
اس طرح انہوں نے اس بات کو تقریباً قبول کر لیا تھا کہ انہوں نے یہ یقین کرنے میں بڑی غلطی کی کہ چین سرحد پر جھڑپوں، گشتی پارٹی کی سطح پر تصادم اور تو تو میں میں سے زیادہ کچھ نہیں کرے گا۔
اگرچہ چین کے ساتھ جاری تنازعہ نومبر 1959 کے ابتداء میں اس وقت پرتشدد ہو گیا تھا جب لداخ کے كوگكالا میں پہلی بار چین نے خون بہایا تھا۔
اس کے بعد یہ واقعہ ہر اس غلطی کی جڑ بن گیا جو اس کے بعد سرزد ہوئی۔ اس کے لیے ہمارے معزز وزیر اعظم کو ذمہ دار ٹھہرایا جانا چاہیے۔
لیکن ان کے مشیر، افسر اور فوج بھی اس معاملے میں برابر کے مجرم ہیں کیونکہ ان میں سے کسی نے بھی ان سے اکیلے میں بھی اس پر بحث نہیں کی کہ وہ غلطی پر تھے۔
ان کا یہ بہانہ ایک عام اصول تھا کہ ’ نہرو سب سے بہتر جانتے تھے‘۔ چین کے ساتھ تنازع کے بعد فوج کے سربراہ بنے جنرل ’مچچھو‘ چودھری کا خیال تھا ’ہم نے یہ سوچا تھا کہ ہم چینی شطرنج کھیل رہے ہیں، لیکن وہ روسی رولیٹ نکلا۔‘
جن لوگوں کو ذمہ دار ٹھہرایا جانا چاہیے، ان کی فہرست کافی طویل ہے۔ لیکن اوپر جو دو نام ہونے چاہیئں، ان میں پہلے ہیں کرشنا مینن جو 1957 سے ہی ملک کے وزیر دفاع تھے۔
بھارتی فوج چین کے منصوبوں کا پتہ کرنے میں ناکام رہی
دوسرا نام لیفٹیننٹ جنرل بی ایم کول کا ہے جن پر کرشنا مینن کی خاص نظرِ کرم تھی۔ لیفٹیننٹ جنرل کول کو شمال مشرقی علاقے کا کمانڈر بنایا گیا تھا۔ اس علاقے کو اب اروناچل پردیش کہا جاتا ہے۔
کول پہلے درجے کے فوجی نوکر شاہ تھے۔ ساتھ ہی وہ غضب کے جوش کے باعث بھی مشہور تھے۔ لیکن انہیں جنگ کا کوئی تجربہ نہیں تھا۔
ایسی تباہ کن تقرری کرشنا مینن کی وجہ سے ممکن ہوئی کیونکہ وزیر اعظم سے قربت کے باعث مسٹر مینن جو بھی چاہتے تھے، وہ کرنے کے لیے آزاد تھے۔
مینن ایک ذہین لیکن چڑچڑی شخصیت کے مالک تھے۔ انہیں فوج کے سربراہان کو ان کے جونيئرز کے سامنے بے عزتی کرنے میں مزا آتا تھا۔ وہ فوجی تقرریوں اور پروموشنز میں اپنے چہیتوں پر کافی مہربان رہتے تھے۔
یقینی طور پر انہیں وجوہات کے سبب ایک اڑيل وزیر اور مشہور جنرل كے ایس تھمیا کے درمیان بڑی بحث ہوئی۔ معاملے نے اتنا طول پکڑا کہ مینن نے استعفیٰ دے دیا، لیکن انہیں اپنا استعفی واپس لینے کے لیے منا لیا گیا۔
لیکن اس کے بعد فوج اصلی شکل میں مینن کی نوکرانی بن گئی۔
ہمالیہ پر کول شدید طور پر بیمار پڑگئے اور انہیں دلی واپس لایا گیا لیکن مینن نے حکم دیا کہ وہ اپنا کمانڈ برقرار رکھیں گے اور دلی ہی سے وہ جنگ کی کمانڈ سنبھالیں گے۔
فوج کے سربراہ جنرل پی این تھاپر اس نظریہ کے مکمل طور پر خلاف تھے، لیکن وہ مینن سے ٹکراؤ نہیں لینا چاہتے تھے۔ یہ جانتے ہوئے بھی کہ جرنل کول واضح طور پر بہت سے معاملات میں غلط تھے، جنرل تھاپر ان کے فیصلے کو تبدیل کرنے کے لیے بھی تیار نہیں تھے۔
چین کی فوج نے بھارت کے کئی علاقوں پر قبضہ کر لیا تھا
ان حالات میں حیرانی کی کوئی بات نہیں کہ نہرو کے 19 نومبر کو امریکی صدر کینیڈی کو لکھے ان کے قابل رحم خطوط سے کافی پہلے ہی کرشنا مینن اور کول پورے ملک میں قابل نفرت شخصیت بن چکے تھے۔
اس کا نتیجہ بلکل واضح تھا۔ کانگریس پارٹی کے بیشتر لوگ اور پارلیمنٹ نے اپنا زیادہ وقت اور توانائی حملہ آوروں کو بھگانے کے بجائے مینن کو وزارت دفاع سے ہٹانے میں صرف کیا۔
نہرو پر بھی کافی دباؤ پڑا اور بالآخر انہوں نے مینن کو سات نومبر کو برخواست کر دیا اور کول کے معاملے میں تو صدر رادھاكرشن نے جیسے سب کچھ کہہ دیا ہو۔
19 نومبر کو دلی آئے امریکی سينٹرز کے ایک وفد نے بھارتی صدر سے ملاقات کی۔ ان میں سے ایک نے یہ پوچھا کہ کیا جنرل کول کو قیدی بنا لیا گیا ہے؟ اس پر صدر رادھاكرشن کا جواب تھا ’بدقسمتی سے یہ سچ نہیں ہے‘۔
قومی سلامتی پر فیصلہ کرنا اتنا غیر منظم تھا کہ مینن اور کول کے علاوہ صرف تین لوگ سیکرٹری خارجہ ایم جے دیسائی، خفیہ سروسز کے سربراہ بي این ملک اور وزارت دفاع کے طاقتور جوائنٹ سیکریٹری ایچ سی سرین کی ہی پالیسی سازی میں چلتی تھی۔
ان میں سے سبھی کرشنا مینن کے معاون تھے۔ بی این ملک کا کردار بڑا تھا اور زیادہ وقت بدنام کرنے میں لگے رہتے تھے۔ ملک پالیسیاں بنانے میں افراتفری پھیلاتے تھے، جو ایک خفیہ چیف کا کام نہیں تھا۔

’بدقسمتی سے یہ سچ نہیں ہے‘

نہرو پر بھی کافی دباؤ پڑا اور بالآخر انہوں نے مینن کو سات نومبر کو برخواست کر دیا اور کول کے معاملے میں تو صدر رادھاكرشن نے جیسے سب کچھ کہہ دیا ہو۔
19 نومبر کو دلی آئے امریکی سينٹرز کے ایک وفد نے بھارتی صدر سے ملاقات کی۔ ان میں سے ایک نے یہ پوچھا کہ کیا جنرل کول کو قیدی بنا لیا گیا ہے؟ اس پر صدر رادھاكرشن کا جواب تھا ’بدقسمتی سے یہ سچ نہیں ہے‘۔
اگر مسٹر ملک اپنے کام پر توجہ دیتے اور یہ پتہ لگاتے کہ چین اصل میں کیا کر رہا ہے، تو ہم اس شرمناک اور ہتک آمیز صورتحال سے بچ سکتے تھے۔
لیکن اس کے لیے یہ پتہ کرنا ہوتا ہے کہ ایک طرف جب ہم پوری طرح اس بات سے مطمئن تھے کہ کوئی بھی بڑی چیز نہیں ہوگی، چینی ہنما ماؤ، ان کے اعلی فوجی افسر اور سیاسی مشیر بڑی چالاکی سے اس منصوبہ بندی میں مصروف تھے کہ کس طرح بھارت کے خلاف محتاط رہ کر حملہ کیا جائے، جو انہوں نے کیا بھی۔
نہرو نے یہ سوچا کہ بھارت اور چین کی جنگ میں چین اور سوویت کے درمیان پھوٹ ایک اہم بات ہوگي اور یہ چین کے لیے خوف کی ایک بڑی وجہ ہوگي۔
لیکن ہم یہ نہیں جانتے تھے کہ کیوبا کے میزائل بحران کی معلومات کا بھر پور استعمال کرتے ہوئے نہرو کو سبق سکھانے کا ماؤ کا پیغام نكتا كھرشچیو کے لیے بھی تھا اور اس وجہ سے سوویت لیڈر نے احتیاط برتا۔
بھارت کو اس میزائل کے بحران کے بارے میں کوئی معلومات نہیں تھیں۔ 25 اکتوبر کو روسی اخبار پراودا نے بھارت کو كپكپا دیا۔ اس اخبار نے ’ہمارے چینی بھائی اور ہندوستانی دوست‘ کی بات کی۔
پراودا نے یہ بھی مشورہ دیا کہ بھارت کو عملی طور پر چین کی شرائط پر چین سے بات کرنی چاہئے۔ یہ الگ بات ہے کہ کیوبا کے بحران کا حل قریب آتے ہی روس اپنی پرانی پالیسی پر آ گیا۔
لیکن ماؤ نے حملے کا وقت اسی حساب سے ہی طے کیا تھا۔ آخر میں ماؤ نے بھارت میں وہ حاصل کر لیا، جو وہ چاہتے تھے۔ وہ كھرشچیو پر كریبین میں بزدلی اور ہمالیہ میں غداری کے لیے طعنہ زنی بھی کر سکتے تھے

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Malala to undergo reconstructive surgery

BIRMINGHAM: Malala Yousafzai will undergo reconstructive surgery according to the medical director of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Dave Rosser.
"Malala will need reconstructive surgery and we have international experts in that field," Rosser said.
Malala was in a stable condition on her first full day in Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham after being flown to the city in central England on board an air ambulance.
David Rosser said she had had a "comfortable night".
"We are very pleased with the progress she's made so far," he told reporters.
"She is showing every sign of being every bit as strong as we've been led
to believe.”
He said doctors at the highly specialised hospital -- where British service personnel wounded in Afghanistan are treated -- were beginning to plan for the complex procedures but they would not be carried out in the coming days.
Malala has been assessed by clinicians from the neurosurgery, imaging, trauma and therapy departments, though "very specialist teams" who may become involved further down the line are yet to perform detailed assessments on her injuries, Rosser added.
Malala along with two other female students were attacked by the Taliban outside their school in Mingora, Swat.
Malala was shot in the head and the bullet had been lodged in her neck. The bullet was removed during surgery and Malala was transferred to the Armed Forces Institute of Cardiology (AFIC) in Rawalpindi for further treatment.
She was flown to Birmingham via an air ambulance provided by the UAE on Tuesday.

ملالہ نے رات پرسکون گزاری، حالت تسلی بخش ہے، برطانوی ڈاکٹر

برمنگھم…مرتضیٰ علی شاہ…ملالہ یوسف زئی نے برمنگھم کے کوئن الزبتھ اسپتال میں رات سکون سے گزاری، برطانوی ڈاکٹروں نے اس کی حالت کو تسلی بخش اور خطرے سے باہر قرار دیا۔ڈاکٹروں کے مطابق مسلسل علاج سے ان کی حالت بہتر ہے۔واضح رہے کہ گزشتہ روز ملالہ کو خصوصی پرواز کے ذریعے علاج کیلئے برطانیہ پہنچا گیا گیا ہے ، جہاں برمنگھم میں واقع کوئن الزبتھ اسپتال میں ان کا علاج کیا جارہا ہے۔ڈاکٹر ڈیو روزآج شام کو ان کی طبیعت کے حوالے سے پریس بریفنگ دیں گے۔

Saturday, 13 October 2012

UN adopts resolution on northern Mali

The UN Security Council has adopted a resolution paving the way for military intervention in Mali to retake the north from Islamist extremists.
The resolution requests a detailed plan for such an operation from African organisations within 45 days.
The UN has so far refused to endorse requests for military intervention without details of a plan.
IslaIslamist fighters in Kidal in northern Mali (7 August 2012) mist groups and Tuareg rebels took control of the north after Mali's president was overthrown in March.
Both Mali's government and the West African regional body Ecowas have made requests for authorisation for an international force to intervene, with Ecowas proposing a force of 3,000.
The BBC's Barbara Plett in New York says that the resolution is an attempt to re-energise the West African regional body Ecowas' effort, expressing readiness to respond positively to a plan.
Negotiation process
It comes a week ahead of a meeting in the capital, Bamako, bringing together Ecowas representatives, the African Union, and the UN secretary-general.
The resolution, drafted by France, requests that "detailed and actionable recommendations" be presented to the Security Council within the specified time.
It also calls on UN member states and regional and international organisations to provide "co-ordinated assistance, expertise, training and capacity-building support" to Mali's armed forces.
A second resolution by the 15-member Council would be required to authorise any action in Mali.
The text also urges Mali's authorities and the rebel groups controlling the north to begin a negotiation process and expresses alarm over the infiltration by al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) and other extremist groups into the north.
Earlier this week, the UN Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights Ivan Simonovic returned from Mali and warned that the Islamist militias had imposed a harsh version of Sharia law on the areas they controlled.
Mr Simonovic said that he had heard testimony that forced marriage, forced prostitution, and rape were widespread, and that women were being sold as "wives" for less than $1,000 (£620).
They have also stoned to death an unwed couple and amputated the hand of an alleged thief as well as destroying ancient shrines in the historical city of Timbuktu, claiming they violated Sharia law and promoted idolatry among Muslims.
The UN has warned that the destruction of the shrines could amount to war crimes and the International Criminal Court has launched a preliminary inquiry into alleged atrocities.

Offer for all out help for Malala still stands: us

WASHINGTON: United States Thursday said that its offer to provide all the means for the transportation and medical treatment for Malala Yousufzai, who was shot in the head by the Taliban, was on the table for the Pakistani side, if they need it,

“President Barack Obama and his press secretary Jay Carney were pretty explicit about what we have proposed and offered. But my understanding is that the Pakistanis have not come back to us with any specific requests”, State Department’s Victoria Nuland said during a daily press briefing.
To a question she said that White House had talked about the efforts against terror with Pakistan when with Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar, who were here just a couple of weeks ago.
“We have an intense counterterrorism relationship. We would like to do even more together. We’re continuing to try to work on these issues and encourage our Pakistani partners to do as much as they can against these issues, because Pakistanis are the greatest victims of terror inside their own country”, said Nuland.
Replying to another query she said they were in contact with the Pakistani side in the wake of attack on Malala.
“I think it speaks to the work that we’re trying to do to get all of these working groups that we had under our counterterrorism cooperation back up and running – as you know, we had the counter-IED group, etcetera – and to continue to support each other and share intelligence, etcetera,” she said.

علماء سے مذمت کیلیے کہنے والے خودقاتل ہیں،مولانا فضل الرحمن

کراچی …جمعیت علمائے اسلام کے سربراہ مولانا فضل الرحمن نے کہا ہے، کہاجارہاہے علماواقعے ملالہ یوسفزئی پر قاتلانہ حملے کی مذمت کریں ورنہ ناموں کونوٹ کیاجائے، انھوں نے کہا کہ مذمت کیلیے کہنے والے خودقاتل ہیں، ایسے لوگ اپنے آپ کو قابومیں رکھیں،کراچی میں میڈیا سے بات چیت کرتے ہوئے جے یو آئی کے سربراہ نے مزید کہا کہ ہمیں مذمت کاکہنے والے ہوتے کون ہیں،ایساکہنے والوں کوبتاناچاہتے ہیں ہم نے ان سے اچھے طریقے سے مذمت کی ہے،انھوں نے کہا کہ معصوم بچوں اور مساجد پر بمباری کی گئی۔ان مساجد پر بمباری روکنے والا کوئی نہیں۔ملالہ یوسف زئی پر حملہ حکومت کی غلط پالیسیوں کا نتیجہ ہے،اور اب علماء سے کہا جارہا ہے کہ وہ مذمت کریں۔اس واقعے کو علما کے خلاف استعمال کیا جارہا ہے۔ایک سوال پر مولانا فضل الرحمن نے کہا کہ جماعت اسلامی کے بغیر ایم ایم بحال کی ہے

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Malala Yousafzai: Reward offered for arrest of attackers

Pakistani officials have offered a 10m rupee ($105,000; £66,000) reward for information leading to the arrest of the attackers of a prominent teenage rights campaigner.

Malala Yousafzai, 14, is recovering from surgery after being shot on Tuesday in north-western Swat Valley.

The Taliban said they had shot her because she had "promoted secularism", and that they would target her again.

Protests against the shooting have been held in several Pakistani cities.

Malala Yousafzai is still unconscious in hospital in Peshawar, where she has been visited by army chief Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani and Interior Minister Rehman Malik.

Mr Malik said the "whole gang" who carried out the attack had been identified and said the nation "will not let them run away, we will catch and punish them".

Gen Kayani said it was time to "stand up to fight the propagators of such barbaric mindset and their sympathisers".

"The cowards who attacked Malala and her fellow students have shown time and again how little regard they have for human life and how low they can fall in their cruel ambition to impose their twisted ideology," he said in a statement.

He said the armed forces refused to "bow before terror" and would fight on against the Taliban, "regardless of the cost".

Condition 'improving'
Malala Yousafzai was just 11 when she started writing a diary for BBC Urdu about life under the Taliban militants who had taken control of the Swat Valley in 2007 and ordered girls' schools to close.

Writing under the pen-name Gul Makai, she exposed the suffering caused by the militants and particularly focused on her attempts to continue her education.

The Taliban were ousted from Swat in 2009, but her family said they had regularly received death threats.

They believed she would be safe among her own community, but on Tuesday, she was stopped as she returned home from school in Mingora, in north-western Swat, and shot in the head.

Two other girls were also injured, one of whom remained in a critical condition on Wednesday.

Malala Yousafzai's family said her condition was stable after she underwent surgery to remove a bullet lodged in her shoulder.

A decision would be made in the next 48 hours over whether to fly her abroad for treatment, they said.

The news of the bounty was announced in Peshawar by the information minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, Mian Iftikhar Hussain.

Local media quoted him as saying Malala was an icon of peace, urging the world to pray for her recovery.

'Threatened by empowerment'
The attack on the teenager has been widely condemned in Pakistan and around the world.
President Asif Ali Zardari said it would not shake Pakistan's resolve to fight Islamist militants or the government's determination to support women's education.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, speaking at a gathering of the American Girl Scouts movement, said Malala Yousafzai had been "very brave in standing up for the rights of girls" and that the attackers had been "threatened by that kind of empowerment".

Schools in the Swat Valley closed on Wednesday in protest at the attack, and schoolchildren in other parts of the country prayed for the girl's recovery.

Protests were held in Peshawar, Multan and in Malala's hometown of Mingora and in Lahore. Those taking part praised the girl's bravery, while many condemned the attack as un-Islamic.

Saeeda Diep, an organiser of the Lahore protest, said all Pakistanis should "come together and raise their voices against such acts".

"If they do not do this, then they should mentally prepare themselves for their own children's fate to be like Malala's," she said.

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