Karachi ... amazing discoveries of Wikipedia lakes continues. U.S. ambassador cable 28 January 2008 the United States according to Asif Ali Zardari expressed his opinion about what it is like the U.S. security guarantee to Pakistan is like . kyakh they remember Benazir Bhutto, murder threats baujudutn kuamryka of return because they had received support and klyryns, Zardari admitted that they felt that as they will be equally close to Kayani Kayani may weaken. Wiki lakes the Khyber pktunkuah Chief Minister Ameer hyd rkan is a statement kakca cthakhul given, Peshawar, U.S. Consulate kanyky Principal Officer brought Tracy 30 April 2009, Washington sent cable according amyrhydr Hoti nydrun attacks have appreciated, but also said that the public in front of them never support can not. Lahore U.S. Consulate Principal Officer Bryan Hunt the former gurnrpnjab Salman Taseer Shahbaz sryf government kusdyd criticized,, 31 December 2008 post Bryan Hunt wrote: Salman tasyrkakhna that Shahbaz Sharif's party very heart suzhy. Shahbaz Sharif hard work but such, as my financial. Brian Hunt 7 February 2009 post written Salman Taseer the lawyers long march have nothing, and he Basant celebration preparation're those kakhna that March day of spring Mercy gyaur will see that people of Islamabad on March value or Lahore's Basant party. Islamabad U.S. diplomat Peter Baud peter bodde May 2, 2006 post wrote: "Pakistan Air Force prayf 16 aircraft is dominated by ideas,, ". U.S. Ambassador Anne W. Patterson 7 February 2008, Washington wrote that post sent to Pakistan cloud cover are in moral decline.