Washington ... U.S. think-tank survey by Muslimcountries in the U.S. this year compared to last year's popularity has declined further. PewResearch Center survey results from the popularityof the U.S. in Pakistan last year 17 Per cent which was reduced to 11 per cent left. world as the mostwronged populous Muslim country Indonesia in theU.S. like the number of 59 per cent less and 54 percent was while Jordan and Turkey in case Differentstate. Jordan's popularity in the U.S. by 21 per centless 13 per cent in the U.S. like Turkey to 17 percent less than the number of people being left only10 per cent. The survey in the U.S. operation inPakistan Osama Before destruction wasconducted in March and April in which ahzarafradny duhzarafradaurdygrmlkun fromPakistan participated.
London ... According to a survey in the UK were 86per cent women from any future princess Katemydltn do not feel any jealousy. any girl dreams ofbecoming a princess may csp heart thing but the majority of British women to become a princessMydltn are not jealous of Kate's fate more than .18years of age from 1000 were women according tothe survey 86 per cent of women take place ininsect cspy kuyy heart because most women thinkafter becoming Princess Cat Mydltn normal lifeand they can not cope at all times of public andmedia will remain the target of critical eyes. surveyonly 10 per cent of women happy Kate untoexpressed envy.