A Wikileaks has revealed that even before the peace agreement in Kurram Agency, Afghan government tried to. Two July two thousand nine sent from Islamabad to Kabul and the Afghan province of Paktia mraslun officials and tribal elders the fifteenth of June two thousand nine had signed a peace agreement in Kurram Agency in the two groups. busara zucchini and between groups, clashes began in November, two thousand seven, and about fifteen months, more than three thousand people were killed and twenty thousand family drbdrconflict between the two groups said the region was to damage the political atmosphere.
Wikileaks has revealed that hundreds ofBlackwater in Iraq, despite official bans and wereserved to protect American diplomats. WikileaksU.S. diplomatic document issued by the notorioussecurity firm. "Blackwater "hundreds of soldiers in Iraq, banned the company joined Americandiplomats to safety. Iraq in January 2009announced that 16 September 2007, the horrificincident, the Blackwater's operating licenserenewal not will be followed by the U.S. State Department security contractor Blackwater in Iraqhad ended, however, U.S. diplomatic documentsreveal that former Blackwater officials joined withother security companies working in Iraq.