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The Pakistan amdadprnzrsany be jumped.
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The Pakistan amdadprnzrsany be jumped.
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Washington ... U.S. members of Congress is the suspicion that Pakistan kaazharkya jantatha where Osama is hiding. Amdadprnzrsany kabhy He demanded Pakistan jumped leveled. Qaida leader Osama bin Laden in Pakistan a long life quiet abadmyn shraybt pramryky members wonder Congress aurbrhmy kaazharkrty prnzrsany demanding the aid of Pakistan said that amrykaapny taxpayers money has been lost. U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee Chairperson Diana fynstn said he understands that he should know about the presence of Osama Pakistan I knew. The trick that Pakistan did not know anything. He did not know why. this must be specified. prtujh why it was not. Congressman Alan West said: "We would like to stop aid to Pakistan America, to protect taxpayers from the dalrzaya. lyutnbrg Senator Frank said that we should btadyna them will be their until we amdadruk Osama presence in Pakistan do not get satisfactory answers. kyntrny while Congressman Eric said that we must understand that Pakistan knew or not. sumyrk addition Congressman said that this matter is quite complex that eventually there was security. thaya Osama warned Pakistan not from the residence to know about it. synytrhyry Reed saidHe has sacrificed thousands of soldiers. amdadruky go should be in soon.