Sukkur Sukkur Board under ... ninth day massacre Sindhi party photo paper shop estate sales huajbkh aubaru openly, Mirpurkhas, Dadu and Nawabshah in copy number of students could not stop. Sukkur Sukkur various areas, especially old , Barrage Colony and settled in areas of poor Sindhi massacre leaked photos today pramthan shops begin the estate was sold and people start to buy the expensive prices. wisher student paper copy out pages from books relevant materials examination center jnhun staff are providing this material provided to students to test. Dadu district in the massacre during the ninth and tenth class examinations with Boys schools Girls schools have also copied boom conflict. where to stop transport administration However, the staff is appointed only his presence is like silent spectators. Students have also found used, please feel free transport. bhan d Saeed water guerrilla killed in high school administration from Central krnql many students entered guilty. Mirpurkhas in During the ninth party massacre paper also transport students with students in the field continue to none and lost courage at the end. examination centers by students gossip show paid. aubaru side of Government Higher Secondary SchoolManagement of alleged collusion during the ninth and tenth class examinations continued openly copy, keeping students copy books. Nawabshah also continued examination copy. this situation despite all the educational burdzky related teamsUnable to prevent copy look.