Karachi ... Interior Minister Rehman Malik said PNS Mehran attack 6 terrorists were involved, of which four were killed while two escaped are. He confirmed that the terrorist operation against ten officers killed and fifteen were injured, he declared that martyrdom would have Shujaat star guilty men. PNS Mehran Minister House after visiting media, he said that six to seven armed with modern weapons terrorist mlyrndy base area cut inside wall, whose ages were between twenty to twenty-five years, terrorists had small beards, color and clean clothes were like foreigners. He khdhst kypas kidney powerful manual His first hit was a bomb and plane P. III C was auryn, where Lt Yasser sacrifice his life by giving way to stop terrorists. Interior at the time of the attack and six U.S. Base Eleven Chinese experts who were trained here to urd were all these people are, the attackers have not made any gmal er. He said that after the destruction of Osama terrorists in Waziristan was a meeting of the Pakistan Institute of setting the strategy against and the attack is linked to the same. Navy to investigate, rangers, police and intelligence agencies antrugysn joint team has been established. According to Interior Minister the sole purpose of terrorists is to destabilize the country and that polishing those people and politics on this issue will understand very well. He added that any untoward incident to deal with security on high alert across the country have been.
Karachi. . . . .. . . PNS Mehran attack resulted in theNavy 4 officers killed while 9 others injured.spokesperson Navy Commodore Irfan-ul-Haq to Geo News said while talking to this attack securitylyps should not be, Navy on high alert in a position.He said the terrorists targeted the Navy's twoaircraft. spokesperson said that due to carefuloperation is taking time. just can not say that terrorists are dressed in distance. Navyspokesman said militants Will make arrests soon.attackers after overcoming will tell who is behindthe incident. spokesperson said that the Navalbase there a while all foreign assets are safe. finalanswer after the operation ends Can be given.