Washington ... U.S. sfyrhsyn Haqqani saidPakistan Abbottabad presence of Osamagovernment should investigate, they say that theydo not know that Osama was hiding in thegovernment of Pakistan or the Pakistan Army hashelped Haqqani Pakistani sfyrhsyn T. TV interviewsaid that the speculation will not solve problemsarayyun, elected government of Pakistan shouldmatter to the bottom, Husain Haqqani saidPakistan's military aid to U.S. pressure to stop orshould not make haste, He said that Osama'spresence in Abbottabad Pakistan governmentshould investigate. He said that the elected government three years to several decades asthings could not be responsible for.
Washington ... U.S. Ambassador Husain Haqqani said Pakistan deployed in Pakistan to capture Osama bin Laden gnuadya a chance, this case is being investigated and hopefully will reach the bottom of the case. In an interview with a U.S. TV Hussain Haqqani said that Osama bin Laden without the help of a private network could not stay in Pakistan, he said, trying to find out how all this happened is being, said Pakistani Ambassador officials bottom case is being tried to reach. In answer to a question said Pakistan for Osama soft corner in your heart do not. Husain Haqqani said that the presence of terrorists is a matter of concern for Pakistan. Pakistan are concerned about Osama, why he chose Pakistan, Haqqani said it is worried about being safe in Pakistan believe that Osama himself used to review the matter and will reach its bottom. Pakistani ambassador to Pakistan says Osama to stay in a government institution was not accredited. Husain Haqqani said that they are being received threatening phone calls, e-mails that people are asking Pakistan's role in the process Failure was and is also being identified.