Islamabad ... Senate Standing Committee onForeign Affairs, Foreign Secretary Salman Bashirsaid that no operation in North Waziristan was not started, Chairman Committee Salim Saifullah saidthat Pakistan's relations with Russia are better.Committee Saifullah syntrslym closed meetingroom of Parliament House in Islamabad waschaired. Foreign Secretary Salman Bashir saidthat the committee briefing on Pakistan to startoperations in North Waziristan not any pressure.Speaking to media after meeting Salim Saifullahsaid that if Pakistan is no pressure or just to kill Alis kupkrny aprytuz. He said that the CIA and ISI nota contract, between Pakistan and the U.S. onlyKerry-Lugar Bill Contract. Salim Saifullah said thatthe Foreign Office has directed that the nextmeeting of U.S. officials also be held ForeignAffairs Committee. He said that Pakistan'srelations with Russia are an independent foreignpolicy To reflect. He said that foreign policyregarding Parliament this month that the government shared the committee is being formedwill kutjauyz.
Islamabad ... Foreign Secretary Salman Bashirsaid that Pakistan, U.S. relations are at criticaljuncture, as Abbottabad incident was repeated, hisimpact will be devastating, Pakistan's political andmilitary leadership is fully national defense, theAbout one should not doubt. Abbottabad SalmanBashir Osama bin Laden during the U.S. operationin terms of destruction were news conference in Islamabad. The Foreign Secretary said aboutOsama bin Laden was a secret operation, Whentime came to address us kaas U.S. action waskaptrtbah hyly, U.S. operations has given birth tomany questions. Abbottabad operation of the country there is concern in every constituency.Foreign Secretary said that a key U.S. friendPakistan and terrorism Partner in the war but abarphr Pakistan is being forced to dumur, ISIaccused of links with Al is baseless, ISI bossOsama bin Laden's presence was not kaalm.Salman Bashir Said Pak, U.S. relations difficulties, but we see the future, Osama bin Laden has become part history, the country's sovereignty is the top priority and Pakistan will defend at all cost.
London ... ... Pakistan's foreign secretary said thatal-Qaeda leader Osama destruction played a major operation in Pakistan. British newspaper'telegraph,' the Pakistan Foreign SecretarySalman Bashir's interview with the BBC quotedkudyyy U.S. statements that the raid seems to tellthe details or not we believe was the problem.Punta Leone, head of the CIA's statement that hewith Pakistan about the operation did notexchange any information if you tell This operationis in danger. Pakistan Secretary said Levin, but hisviews are entitled to know that we in the U.S.including the CIA has every kind of support. In addition, with other countries Cooperation whichare part of the campaign against terrorism. Qaidachief leaders of the Pakistan ISI arrested.