Kabul / Kandahar, NATO planes bombed 20 police, 52 people were killed, including women and children. While Afghan President Hamid Karzai, U.S. and NATO forces in civilian deaths last warning, saying U.S. forces continue normal operations to refrain from killing civilians and night time raids of the Afghan forces are authorized not to kill coalition raid night. aysaf other hand, the spokesman said that civilian casualties admitted killing us is the knowledge of the incident for are investigated. Meanwhile, bodies of local people on the road by keeping citizens protested and told reporters that you are not automatically see the Taliban. In addition, another Canadian soldier killed in Kandahar are reports of. Afghan authorities Taliban accused the Badr ISI has been involved in operations. According to reports on Sunday in Helmand province, NATO aircraft district nuzad dughrun the missiles targeted which resulted in 2 women and killed 12 innocent children, missile attacks were both destroyed ghrbhy. bombing 6 people were also injured. which immediately moved to hospital for medical aid. Besides NATO airstrike north eastern province of Nuristan another incident occurred in the district duab. ProvincialGovernor Jamal Din Badr NATO planes as two water district police last days of the area after fighting with the Taliban was captured. governor was friendly fire and bombed by mistake in bombing killed 38 people including 18 innocent civilians and 20 police officers are involved. coalition forces spokesman says the incident is being investigated and the investigation team was sent in the area. spokesperson initial investigation did not indicate the death of civilians. there Afghan President Hamid Karzai has said that the night time raids by Afghan forces and international forces are authorized not kill like raid. aysaf spokesman Major Tim James said that civilians are aware of reports of alleged killings and is being confirmed. Sana News reported killed in Kandahar was a Canadian soldier.