Worst power crisis level of the country's history, 18 hours load shedding
Lahore ... kabhran country's history of electricity in the country reached the worst level, fall shortsumygauat was a five thousand. gyraalanyh loadadded to people's problems. pypkuzraya closeddue to the lack of oil paurplant can not drive yet .PSO clear kyahy until amounts not paid will not oilgranted will. Pepco estimates of the electricityproduced nine hzarch sumygauat while demandincreased 14 thousand seven suhugyy. This kind ofshort fall five thousand one hundred MW crossKrgyahy. cities grdastysn closed for hours everyfifteen minutes baddyrh kyajarhahy situation is badin the village several hours aurkyy grdastysn areclosed. kaduranyh load shedding in cities fromeight to twelve hours aurdyhat twelve eighteen-hourload shedding continues users Aurkarubarysyktrbhy hukrrh halt facing the industry. Pepco DGEngineer Mohammad Khalid btayahy this respectthat Pepco MD Islamabad are still aware of thesituation krdyahy kutmam aurmngla However trbylhwater today kaakraj five thousand more brhayahykiosk. hydel production grow Will reduce the shortfall.
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