Ranbir Kapoor and Imran Khan at the box office tkrawab
Mumbai ... in the past in Bollywood Salman Khan,Aamir Khan, Shah Rukh, Akshay Kumar and otherleading actors have prtkraw rhaaur box office wasthe latest example of Ajay Devgan and AkshayKumar. Akshay Kumar at the end of last year Themovie 'Thirty killed Khan "and Ajay Devgan'sfilm"Toonpur Ka Superhero"one day exhibition incinemas were presented to the summer heat andthe tension between the two actors were seen. tosomething being Once again however this time itis self-contradictory, two Bollywood stars RanbirKapoor and young frontline between Imran Khan.surfaced in the recent general reportedly comingon Ranbir Kapoor's ex-girlfriend and Imran Khan'sfilm ktrynh Kaif "My community bride" the sameday to display presented would be the day RanbirKapoor's film "Rock Star" cinemas beauty like to be. So now see is that on September 9 On thisconfrontation, Mr. Perfect Aamir Khan NephewImran Khan at the box office ahead of KapoorRanbir Kapoor family sput lyjapaty or not.
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