U.S. official talks with Mullah Omar's close associate, U.S. News
Washington ... U.S. newspaper claimed the U.S.for the first time Afghan Taliban has started directpeace talks, the newspaper said without the participation of Pakistan close associatemlaamrky U.S. officials have at least threemeetings. U.S. newspapers U.S. officials claimedthat the Afghan Taliban, Mullah Omar nyhalyhAssistant few months and Tayyab Agha, a closeassociate has at least three meetings, arrange meetings newspaper claims that Germany has done aurqtr, the CIA, State Department officialswere involved and dygramryky. newspapers beganthe meeting with Osama bin Laden's death hadalready become, the paper claims that Talibanleader did not attend the meetings of Pakistan,European diplomats say Bgyrmmkn of Pakistan inAfghan reconciliation, and that the matter may alsodamage Pakistan. synyrafgan officer has andyathe U.S. meet with Taliban leader Tayyab Agha notprove fruitful, because they do not now close toMullah Omar as before Was.
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