Krut settled Event: Tribunal statement of witnesses tomorrow will shut off
Quetta ... Quetta krut settled incident to investigateestablished judicial tribunal May 31 to witnessstatements pen to stop the regular agazkrdyga,tribunal a total calculated 18 persons incidentbturguah front have already come. krut live event to investigate Balochistan government High Courtjudges headed by Justice mhmdhasm Khan kakrkythem work yry krrhahy Tribunal. Tribunal Tuesday,May 31 massacre their own rzaka turprpys ranhafradky bturguah eighteen series of recordedstatements will, after the incident regarding lightsuahdky Research Report from tyarkrky urged the provincial government would be keeping. incidentinvestigation regarding an important developmentin the IG inquiry tribunal had issued frntyrkuraurayyJ. kuhdayat police involved in that incident, policeofficials kuankuayry aurayf C to serve from the end of Granted to the relevant police station badkrutabadky Asif kasy change the DSP and police lineshad been directed to report, however, firingincident andadnd guilty on foreign n FC ColonelFaisal and other officials from relevant authoritiesduties Orders to stop before inquired about.
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