Wednesday 18 May 2011

United States to end the war faster rendered the talks with the Taliban, U.S. News

Washington (Online) U.S. newspaper claimed that al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan after the destruction of the United States to end the war and the Taliban have become strong in America, talks to officials hope that Afghanistan president in July announcement of troop withdrawal agreement with Taliban progress been able to be announced, a senior Afghan official says a U.S. representative in Qatar and Germany considered to be close to Mullah Mohammad Omar in a group leader with at least 3 meetings attended owed, it will inform the Washington Post wrote that State Department spokesman mykayl O hymr the Afghan officer refused to comment on this disclosure, various reports are issued through In addition to private cars in which reconciliation through Arab and European governments, including the newspaper quoted a U.S. officer that the Taliban talks with the United States was giving priority to kaandyh qtrmyn preferences for this purpose aoffered to set up political office, Washington Post "according to a report that U.S. officials say significant progress in the talks. The report talks the two sides also exchanged lists of their demands is aurtalban the Guantanamo Bay, including the release of 20 Taliban leaders a list of major demands submitted to the U.S. while the U.S. response in Afghanistan follow the Constitution and women rights, including a list of several demands regarding the Taliban has caused. newspaper said U.S. officials quoted the Taliban's Haqqani network is not included in the talks. newspaper quoted U.S. officials that the talks so far has been significant progress.

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