Several members of U.S. Congress after the death of Osama were dkhady Pictures
Washington ... Several members of U.S. Congressal-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden shortly beforeand after photos were dkhady. foreign kbrayjnsylinked to the Oklahoma Senator Jim after thedestruction of Osama huf images are the firstsenator. After the death of Osama decided toshow her pictures kyatha CIA. Senator Jim hufthem is a member of the Senate Armed ServicesCommittee, a statement from his office said, according to Senate Armed Services Committeemember Due to see pictures of Osama and hisdeath in people to confirm for me is an importantresponsibility. Senator Jim said that their huf fifteenimages of Osama They have seen pictures of themthere are three jukmpawnd Were withdrawn in timewhen Osama was alive. Senator Jim said thesethree images huf U.S. aircraft on the U.S. OsamaWilson are buried at. Senator Jim huf the photos intheir al-Qaeda leader bullet marks in the headWas. badanhyn of images was sure that Osama isalive. Senator Jim huf Besides these several othermembers of Congress also have been shownthese photographs.
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