Killing Osama, 9 / 11 will encourage the heirs of the killed, Hillary
Washington ... U.S. Secretary of State HillaryClinton's pending Osama Killing Nine Eleven killed in the tragedy will kuskun afradky heirs, said thatPakistan had succeeded in cooperation with Alprdbaudalny, Government of Pakistan will takemddjary of aurauam. Washington Speaking at a press conference Foreign Minister said Pakistan'ssupport Hillary Clinton A. Al prdbaudalnysucceeded in democratic government and peopleof Pakistan will take mddjary, hmpakstany aretrying to promote democracy, he said the Pakistanagainst Osama Had continued the war, Clintonsaid the Taliban can not defeat us, continuedaction against terrorists in Afghanistan rhygy, is the time to terminate her relationship with Al Qaedaand the Taliban. He said Osama Nine Eleventragedy in Death Afradky heirs will get killedkuskun, today is just amrykanhyn dnyabhrky kadnhappiness for the people, tell them to becomekansanh terrorism afradky thakh ahlkanhcondolences to do, Osama bin Laden's attackinnocent Americans dnyabhrky prnhyn afradprthy,U.S. aurafryqh democracy in the Middle EastSupport will continue.
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