KABUL ) In Afghanistan, an Afghan soldier fellow NATO soldiers fired at them from the 2 French men killed, while one officer wounded huajbkh counter attack aurahlkar also killed it. The province hlmndky District nadaly in roadside bomb blast in the 10 Afghan policemen were killed and one wounded hugyahy. Taliban both cases responsibility is. The French sdrnkuls Sarkozy dftrsy issued a statement in the Afghan province kapysamyn 2 French troops, Afghan officials The hand of death has been confirmed, the Afghan Defence Ministry spokesman General Mohammad Zahir great immediate confirmation or denial to avoid the incident, saying that we are investigating the incident. this week is the nature dusrauaqahdufujy killed and injured as a result. zbyh The Taliban spokesman Mujahid claimed responsibility for the incident, said Ibrahim, a military officer and wounded three French soldiers aurkyy dygrku has its mqsdhasl. He later invadedI kapysamyn shooting incident dufransysy military deaths confirmed. The province of Helmand gurnrky spokesman said the district nadaly in a police car by the roadside bomb explosion targeted the 10 Afghan policemen were killed,The Taliban spokesman Qari Yousuf Ahmadi claimed responsibility for the incident, saying that our fighters attacked a police patrol in Helmand and Afghan officials said 10 were kmandrsmyt.............(AFP / Reuters
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Saturday, 31 December 2011
Gujranwala: school girls inhuman punishment, torture jyutym
Gujranwala) Gujranwala gyransany private school students had been sentenced to. Private school teacher of seventh grade girls the lesson of not putting black ink on the face of seven daughters and taint them with their schoolThe commissioner of school registration also canceled and to investigate the DCO under the supervision of an inquiry team appointed. Gujranwala Nowshera Road Mohalla lamp Nagar Street No. 3 located in a private academic school student, she told Geo Newswith the black face and kicked out of school student said that when me and my class and meet fellow like black ink on the face of shame when we were caught crying, girls and children at the schoolNews of the management team willing to not only tortured and held hostage for two hours threatened to snatch the camera. school administration to protest the school's parents pushed him out and threatenedNews will be aired on the news, Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif, and Saeed uahlh commissioner took notice of the incident. Chief Commissioner and DCO after the incident immediately to the school director. Commissioner of the school registration and also canceled the event under investigation for a DCO appointed inquiry team. Meanwhile, the MQM Coordination Committee of the private school teachers to see black ink on the face of girls out of school and TV channels Live coverage of the team and serious threats of violence is condemned. He said that the teachers of this incident distinguished career has been tainted.
Arrival of new year, night clubs today, events in hotels, beach fire will spread
Karachi (details. Rafiq Bashir) favorable peace and order situation in the year, day of the year last night (Happy New ayyrnayt) as a party to celebrate the city's many clubs, restaurants, street food nytyPTI was the mass meeting on December 25 in the presence of singers and their demonstration of the art in the city's social activities were encouraged. week of the year last night (Happy New Year Night) to celebrate the cityTo celebrate the New Year night party has been arranged. zykl program will be held at Mayo. Street Food Without the family home has been banned. night to celebrate the New Year by the Karachi Port Trustfrom 12 pm Saturday night in the open sea made "Port funtyn" will be displayed on the fire works. kanzarh fire works will be of the view.
South Waziristan and Bajaur in the mortar shelling and bombing, 5 killed in accident
PESHAWAR / Monitoring Cell) SouthWaziristan and Bajaur Agency, the bombings andmortar shelling fell as a result 5 people were killedwhile in Waziristan forces search operationresulted in many foreign terrorists have been killed, the Khyber Agency Tehsil Jamrud unknownterrorists in 10 trucks filled with foreign goodsexecutioner. Tehsil lda reported yesterday in aremote area snkuyy anyuala unknown directionfrom a mortar exploded dardmaky artillery wasfalling hard. Mehsud tribes, which resulted in twopeople were killed. slarzyy tehsil of Bajaur agencyin the remote-controlled bomb explosion killedthree people in, get the information explosion onthe forces and rescue teams arrived. JamrudTehsil of Khyber Agency in the law enforcementaction when the kidnapped were recovered 2
Inflation on New Year's bombing, 14 percent premium gas for domestic users, Rs 69.62 a kg of CNG has
Islamabad ) on new year's arrival of inflation on the bomb was gradya, OGRA January gas for domestic users, while 14 percent approved CNG expensive pen, power, fertilizer sectors and industries, 13 percent for from 207 per cent have, prices apply January will. The public pressure CNG price increase notification back from Friday night, the second notification signal was in infrastructure development, tax, 40 percent wereunder which gas prices Khyber, pothohari Region for 74 rupees 30 paise, while Sindh and Punjab pothohari Region out of 69 rupees 62 paise has been. However, CNG Association this tax down by the strike to continue is decided. Friday Night Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority of the notification by the increase in gas prices has been released. The federal government issued a notification in accordance with instructions from the gas price increase in January will be applicable. 5 SectorNotifications of tax on gas infrastructure by the Ministry of Petroleum has been released separately. OGRA gas prices for industrial sector 16.97 percent, 207.10 percent of the fertilizer sector, 34.57 percent for IP Paz, 13.98 percent for cement sector "23.25 percent for CNG, WAPDA and Karachi Electric Supply Corporation for an increase in gas prices was 13.58 percent, while 14 per cent for domestic users has been. industrial sector gas infrastructure on the tax rate of 13 rupees, WAPDA and Karachi Electric Supply Corporation for Rs 27, Rs 70 for IP Paz MM BT's UK fixed. Forest Region in CNG infrastructure development tax rate reduced from 141 rupees to 79 rupees to 86 rupees, down from 6 money and Regionhas been the industry for the OGRA by increasing the price of gas price of 434 rupees 4 money increased from 507 rupees 86 paise, WAPDA Karachi Electric Supply Corporation for the 474 RS 14 money increased from 507 rupees 86 paise IPP for 377 bucks 39 money increased from 507 rupees 86 paise, cement industry, for 609 bucks increased from 694 rupees 22 paise, fertilizer Old plant for 102 rupees 8 funds increased from 313 rupees 27 paise, while the plants for 59 rupees 59 paise increased from 60 M U M B T per 67 rupees has been paid. The new tariff will apply from January
Mkdus economy is, the voice will not get many goals, inflation will be 12 per cent, State Bank
Karachi ) as State Bank of Pakistan said kumkdus economy during fiscal year 2012 GDP, inflation, fiscal deficit and current account deficits, including voice bystrahdaf will not get. The State Bank's annual disclosure Report for the year was in 2010-11. leg up on the report during the last financial year 2010-11 Most economic goals can be received. State Bank predicted that GDP in fiscal year 2012 rate of 3 to 4 percent would be. The goal of the 4.2 percent mqrrkyahy. This inflation rate target of 12 per cent against 11.5 to 12.5 percent would be. fiscal deficit target of 4 fysdky than 5.5% to 6.5 fysdky stays between. The current account deficit 0.6 1.5 2.5 fysdky fysdky contrast between the target will be. khagya State Bank reports that in the last financial year 30 June 2011 kuktm economic situation during the year was not good. Only 2.4 percent of GDP target it.. The Government has a target of 4.5 percent. fysdky 3.8 as against 1.2 per cent target of agricultural services fysdky 4.7 instead of 4.1 percent target rate.'m out of control inflation during the last financial year. and the rate of 13.9percent. while its target was fixed at 9.5 percent. The national savings rate has been achieved. which is 13.6 percent, 13.2 percent, while the target was fixed. tax collection target could not get done. target was less than 1.6 percent. Government tax collection target of 11.0 per cent of GDP was fixed. fysdky rate can be obtained, while only 9. budget deficit target of 2.6 percent also increased. brh the 4.00 per cent and 6.6 per cent was . The report of the agricultural sector came fysdzyrab base disturbance in the production and the supply of both labor and capital have deadlocked. Pakistan's estimated 66 million people in the labor force working two to three months to be unemployed and 2.6 billion (1.2 percent of GDP) spent in the capital stock. The international response to disasters was lower than expected but it is commendable that despite the many challenges in dealing with financial difficulties was successful. Moreover, the internal flexibility of the agricultural sector because of strong crop and small grain crops in Rabi (such as potatoes, onions, pulses, etc.) also helped in the restoration of which was a good production. social efforts and government support flood victims in cash and free seeds aurkhadky as relieved the country from this natural disaster prqabupasky. The report said the manufacturing sector as a serious blow came. fiscal year 11 (FY11) due to floods in the slslhٴ supply disruption, prolonged power outage aurgys in short supply because of the industrial growth of negative 0.1 percent. The services sector public wages and defense costs increased due nmuku sharadya. fiscal year 11 (FY11) services in overall growth of 4.1 percent of the 4.7 percent target, but still real GDP growth in the 90 percent contributed. State Bank reports fiscal year 11 (FY11) in Pakistan's financial position, pressure andEither mwkrkyagya or phramldramd was not. The report positive fact is that the FY10 as compared to its cost control was able. fiscal year 11 (FY11) budget expenditure of GDP (18.9%) were Last year, 20.5 percent were. heavy financial losses directly Pakistan's debt burden on the asrdala and government debt and liabilities (net loss) of the stock of financial year 11 (FY11) in the 1763 billion, up 110 billion rupees (GDP of 60.9 per cent) said. 32.8 percent of revenue last fiscal year, the government was only paying interest, which means that economic nmuku government to use fiscal policy to boost capacity further decreased. However, Pakistan's external debt is appropriate especially yuruzun facing serious problems in the context. fiscal year 11 (FY11) during most of the growth of money off the scale because because other strong currencies against the dollar value grgyy. fiscal year 11 (FY11) in Pakistan to receive the funds were mostly used for repayment of external loans. The report of financial credit and financing problem was still there. ãņU minutes IMF standbys (SBA) after the suspension of funds from abroadVisit least has the government domestic resources anhsarkrny but had no choice. fiscal year 11 (FY11) during the national resources of 11 billion rupees for the financial deficit of 91.0 per cent lead. domestic resources This value depends not only on commercial banks in private sector lending for monetary management, but also ended the chances of complications occurred as banks additional liquidity for its short-term T-bills began to focus on. As a result, private sector credit for the financial year 11 (FY11), only 4.0 per cent increase, while commercial banks, government debt 74.5 percent increase. we think the commercial bank of the attractive rate loans were for private karubarkurqm to encourage notmore. flood effects and commodity world prices and logistic factors on retail prices also grew. especially food inflation has affected the September 2010 21.3 per cent year-year comparison a year ago this month, the inflation 10.4 percent was. fiscal year 11 (FY11) of the first half of the food inflation around 19 percent. the general inflation by consumer index prices all year duhndsy's (this year for an average of 13.7 per cent), the State Bank monetary tightening meaning and policy rates to end FY10 with 12.5% increased from November 2010 to 14.0 per cent were. fiscal year 11 (FY11) for the remaining term of the policy rate was retained. The report said the output power key factor It is capable of Pakistan's energy shortfall in the annual report under review has been allocated a whole chapter. lack of energy to overcome the three steps: (1) to increase power production agazkyagya of rental power projects, (2) Institute between the problem of circulation credit, the output of the energy barrier was being built, to solve the government issued 120 billion rupees, and (3) high cost to move pydauarky was to increase electricity rates. Despite these efforts, the overall situation is still the most. As reported in our rental power generation projects to increase the circulation was not right to start because of credit problems in the electricity installed prpakstan The potential reduction is currently being used. It is remarkable that the (furnace oil grant again to start) the 120 billion provided were May 2011's. the financial year 11 (FY11) the most As the power sector during the crisis are the es. FY12 pysguyyan the report of the State Bank predicted that GDP growth will be between 3 to 4 fysdky. khagya report that non- tax collection target (according to the federal budget) bujuh also less likely to receive. The State Bank has predicted that the fiscal deficit from 5.5 to 6.5 percent of GDP above the trend will continue and will have the most. report In our opinion, a comprehensive mid-term fiscal reform policy sazayk gurkrskty master plan is to build, near jumazy bitter lessons of war and Cascade are prmrhlh. The Master Plan Document process coordinated, transparent monitoring of recovery, all commercial business institutions tax network to bring equitable plan, deficits in the PS ayzky restructuring and implementation of reliable procedure to be listed. The report said State Bank is expected that inflation fiscal year 12 AD during the 11.5 and 12.5 per cent range I will be 12 percent of the annual plan target is near. As far as monetary phluka is concerned, fiscal year 12 AD in the discount rate, the rapid decline of the market for emergent was. inflation in the somewhat reduced and banksGary not be negative in terms of real rates, growth in the rest of the world as we are concerned at the stagnation and rising unemployment. State Bank, said a good chance to create private investment and employment be given due weight. Federal Budget Back in the growing dominance of debt needed to stop. After all, Pakistan's current account balance of potential concern, but the full amount of workers and potential global economic recession because we are optimistic. Although the financial year 12 of the first four months of data from the 1.6 billion current account deficit appears, however, we temporary events (oil, bulk payments, September in 2011 compared to the seasonal period and parallel market exchange in the hard currency shortages) interpreted in theare. next to us, the current account deficit to GDP is expected to be between 1.5 to 2.5 percent which is slightly smaller than past performance. However, the current account deficit may be difficult to meet. The report We also believe that market financial year 12 AD, Pakistan's foreign exchange loans to pay for the excessive backlash zahrkrrhy. It should also see the IMF's 8.9 billion dollar S BA return installments beginning in fiscal year but only $ 1.4 billion of funds abroad and the other half will be in the financial year.
Rawalpindi: 6 make the U.S. vulnerable buildings caught on video, later released
ISLAMABAD ) in Rawalpindi, the most sensitive area to create images of the U.S. Embassy law enforcement officials seized the guilty. Detailed inquiries and after spending footage allowed them to go. Sources According to court Wednesday afternoon near the intersection after attending a university function, three bullet-proof Land Cruiser vehicles from the post office square, had been shocked by the Income Tax office near where the traffic warden on duty saw a Waqas MirzaThe vehicle stopped near. The Captain Farooq and other security agencies and staff officers who were there from vehicles on detailed questioning of people and the camera is checked. The lost footage from the camerathe name Jimmie Martin, Asad Jafri, Liam Siddiqui, zrnab Rasheed, Daniel Howard, Azhar Iqbal, Shahzada Alam, Nathan Daniel Gordon and the drivers name Basharat Hussain, Ahsan Yaqoob and Aurangzeb are reported. Meanwhile, the U.S. Embassy U.S. Embassy in Islamabad prfarmz art group people under military custody for some time since I left. One of them was charged that he take pictures of sensitive facilities. Embassy explained that the group of people I (kntunmnt area) were not aware of the ban on taking pictures and his government had no intention of taking photographs of military installations.
Thursday, 29 December 2011
Kharotabad forensic investigator killed in Quetta
QUETTA: Police Surgeon, Dr Baqar Shah, was shot dead by unknown gunmen on Sabzal Road in Quetta,

Dr Shah was one the key forensic investigators in 'Kharotabad Massacre'.
Masked motorcycle riders ambushed him while he was on his way home.
After intercepting him, assassins shot him in the head five times and fled the scene, police said.
He was rushed to the hospital but to no avail, as doctors confirmed he had died before even he was brought into the emergency room.
Shah had spoken about death threats from unknown people in a televised press conference earlier this year after he resisted pressure to fudge the postmortem reports of four unarmed Russians and a Tajik shot dead by police.
On May 17, police and Frontier Corps paramilitary forces opened fire on the group, saying they were suicide bombers who attacked a checkpoint in Kharotabad on the outskirts of Quetta.
A subsequent judicial commission found that the Tajik and the Russians, three of whom were women and one of whom was pregnant, were unarmed. It sacked two police officials over the killings.
Balochistan is gripped by a regional insurgency for self-determination. It is also a flashpoint for Taliban and sectarian violence.
Youngest MCP Aarifa Karim hospitalised
LAHORE: The youngest Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) Aarifa Karim is hospitalised and in critical condition.
Aarifa become the world’s youngest MCP when she completed her certification at the age of nine in 2004.
Aarifa’s father said that she had an epileptic attack last week which caused damage to her brain and heart
Relevant authorities evaluating US report: FO
ISLAMABAD: Foreign Office spokesman Abdul Basit said on Thursday that relevant authorities were evaluating the Pentagon’s report on the Nato attack.

Basit said that relations with the US had their ups and downs over the last year and Pakistan wanted relations on the basis of mutual interest.
Basit added the nation’s prosperity and security were the two most important aspects of foreign policy.
The spokesperson said that China held a great deal of importance in foreign policy while relations with Iran had strengthened.
On Afghanistan, Basit said thousands of Pakistani’s were playing their role for the propriety of Pakistan.
Nationwide gas emergency announced
GUJAR KHAN: Petroleum Minister Dr Asim Hussain has announced a nationwide gas emergency and advised that CNG stations would have to be shut from January 2012.

The petroleum minister said the pressure was so low that compressors could shutdown anytime and in that case there would be no gas for two weeks.
Hussain said that the Chairman of the All Pakistan CNG Association was indulging in politics and should stop robbing the nation.
“Stations are stealing gas” Hussain added.
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
Syria 'releases 755 detained during unrest'
Syrian state TV says the authorities have released 755 people detained during the nine-month-old uprising against President Bashar al-Assad.
The prisoners had been involved "in recent incidents" but their "hands were not stained with blood", a report said.
The UN says more than 14,000 people are in detention and 5,000 have been killed as a result of the state's crackdown.
Arab League monitors are continuing to deploy as they oversee a peace plan but there are reports of fresh violence.
At least seven people have been killed so far on Wednesday in a number of towns and cities, activists said.

The head of the observer mission has described what he has seen so far as "reassuring" and "nothing frightening", dismaying some activists and Western observers.
French concern
The state TV news flash announcing the prisoner release on Wednesday said only that those affected "did not have Syrian blood on their hands". It did not mention where the protesters were arrested or detained.
In November, the government announced that it had freed 1,180 prisoners, citing similar conditions
But earlier this month, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay said tens of thousands of people had been arrested and more than 14,000 were reported to be in detention as a result of the crackdown.
Human rights activists believe as many as 40,000 people are being held.
Ms Pillay also said she had evidence that Syrian security forces had committed crimes against humanity against the civilian population, including acts of killings, torture, rape and other forms of sexual violence, imprisonment, or other forms of severe deprivation of liberty and enforced disappearances.
On Tuesday, Human Rights Watch accused the Syrian authorities of hiding hundreds of detainees in military installations, which the observers are not permitted to visit.
The BBC's Jim Muir in neighbouring Lebanon says Wednesday's prisoner release announcement is a relatively small gesture by the government to give the appearance that it is co-operating with the Arab League.
The Arab League monitors were in Homs again on Wednesday, and were visiting three other centres of unrest - the nearby city of Hama, the north-western province of Idlib, and the southern province of Deraa, where the uprising began.
One resident of the Baba Amr district in Homs told Reuters that activists had refused to meet the monitors because they would not give up their Syrian army escort.
But our correspondent says it does appear the monitors have been able to get around without restrictions and have been meeting local people and hearing their stories.
Video footage said to be from Hama on Wednesday showed what appeared to be protesters running away from security forces as black smoke rises in the background.
The Local Coordination Committees in Syria said seven people had been killed so far on Wednesday, four in Homs, two in Hama and one in Aleppo.
Casualty figures and other information are hard to verify from Syria as most foreign media are banned from reporting.
On Tuesday, Syrian security forces, which had reportedly been pounding several residential areas in Homs with artillery, eased off before the observers arrived and pulled some tanks off the streets.
But when tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets, tear gas and live fire were used to disperse them, despite the fact that under the peace plan, all military forces are supposed to be withdrawn and peaceful demonstrations permitted.
Despite the reported violence, the head of the observer mission, Sudanese Gen Mustafa al-Dabi, told the Reuters news agency on Wednesday: "The situation seemed reassuring so far.
"There were some places where the situation was not good," he said. "But there wasn't anything frightening, at least while we were there. Things were calm and there were no clashes.
"We did not see tanks but we did see some armoured vehicles."
Our correspondent says Gen Dabi was clearly reserving judgement and that the small number of Arab League monitors means it is virtually impossible to keep tabs on everything happening in such a big country.
Gen Dabi's comments on Homs dismayed France, whose foreign ministry spokesman Bernard Valero said: "The brevity of their stay did not allow them to appreciate the reality of the prevailing situation."
China GPS rival Beidou starts offering navigation data
China's satellite navigation system has become operational, according to an official.
Beidou now offered location, timing and navigation data to China and surrounding areas announced the project's spokesman Ran Cheng.
China has been working on the system since 2000 to provide an alternative to the US government-run Global Positioning System (GPS).
The move should make China's military less dependent on foreign technology.
A launch earlier this month delivered the tenth of Beidou's satellites into orbit.
Beijing plans to send a further six satellites into space by 2012 to extend the system to most parts of Asia, and then expand the network to a total of 35 satellites offering global coverage by 2020.
Interested parties are invited to study a test version of the project's Interface Control Document which has been placed online

Missile guidance
Beidou - which translates as the Plough, or Big Dipper - promises to offer civilian users positioning information correct to the nearest 10 metres, measure speeds within 0.2 metres per second, and provide clock synchronisation signals accurate to 0.02 millionths of a second.
The Chinese military will be able to obtain more accurate data.
A 2004 study by Geoffrey Forden, a researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, suggested that Beidou could be used to target cruise missiles against Taiwan if a war broke out over the territory. Having its own system would protect China against the risk that the US could turn GPS off.
A 2011 report for the website defensepolicy.org suggested the network could also be used to guide drones to destroy foreign naval forces were China to come under attack.
However, Beidou's developers also stress day-to-day benefits for the public.
They told China Daily that the system could create a 400 billion yuan ($63.2bn, £40.4bn) market in related applications for the automotive, telecommunications, fishing and other industries by 2020.

Alternative systems
Mr Ran also noted that the system is compatible and interoperable with the world's other navigation systems.
Beyond GPS, Russia operates the Glonass network. It recently launched a series of satellites to cover gaps in its system and reported earlier this month that it once again covered 100% of the Earth's surface.
The EU is also developing its own system - Galileo. The first of its operational satellites entered orbit in October. The European Space Agency said the network should be completed in 2019.
Meanwhile, defence developer Lockheed Martin is working to upgrade the US's system to GPS III.
The firm has begun constructing a prototype next-generation satellite in a facility near Denver.
The US Air Force said the new system would have more power, making it harder for enemies to jam it, and allowing the signals to penetrate deeper into built up cities and dense foliage.
The Congressional Budget Office has estimated that the project will cost $25bn by 2025.
No gas for Lahore industry for indefinite period: SNGPL
LAHORE: Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL) has announced that it would not be able to supply gas to Lahore industries for an indefinite period

SNGLP has sent notices to industries telling them the company was short of gas and could not keep up with the sectors' demand.
SNGPL also said that domestic consumers were its first priority with CNG sector and manufacturers being the second and third respectively.
Pakistan rejects US report on Nato attack
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has rejected the US report pertaining to Nato’s attack on Pakistani check post on November 26 that killed 24 soldiers.

The report has been rejected on the basis that with Brigadier General Stephen Clark as head, the investigation can never bring out unbiased findings.
According to sources, Pakistan has dismissed the report on Nato attack as the head of investigating team Brigadier General Stephen Clark has been linked to the strategic team involved in the attack.
That is why, he is believed to be an inappropriate choice to carry out investigation as a neutral party.
A report by military investigators was delivered to COAS General Ashfaq Kayani on Sunday by a US officer based in Islamabad, who explained the findings to the general, Pentagon spokesman Captain John Kirby told reporters.
The full report from the joint US-Nato investigative team was not released publicly until Monday to allow time for the Pakistani leadership to read the findings first, Kirby said.
"We wanted General Kayani to be able to see the entire thing," he said. The approach represented "an appropriate professional courtesy" to Kayani, he added.
A summary of the report was released Thursday and the officer who led the investigation, Brigadier General Stephen Clark, briefed reporters by phone the same day.
Stressed Chinese fight back with pillows
SHANGHAI:A whirlwind of pillows bearing the names of bosses and teachers filled the air as hundreds of Chinese gathered to blow off stress in Shanghai, staging a massive pillow battle.

The annual event marked its fifth year with such a surge in interest from stressed young office workers and students that organizers held two nights of pillow fighting before Christmas Day and plan another for Dec 30.
"Nowadays there are many white collar workers and students that are facing huge pressures at work and at school, so we hope to give them an outlet to release their stress before the end of the year," said Eleven Wang, the founder and mastermind behind the epic pillow fights.
"Sometimes we have pressure on us by our bosses, teachers and exams, so today we can go crazy. Everyone will get to write onto the pillows the names of their bosses, teachers and exam subjects, and enjoy and vent to the maximum," he added.
"After releasing the stress, we can once again face our daily life with joy."
Pillows were handed out at the door as participants entered, then emotion stoked by a rock concert, with many on the floor of the huge event space rocking and waving their pillows in time to the music.
Then came the fighting.
Pillows filled the air, with many combatants opting for throwing rather than using them to whack opponents. A few hapless participants shielded their heads with as many pillows as they could hold, but most ventured eagerly in to the fray.
"I really enjoyed the fight, but my friend was useless. He joined in for two ticks and could not go on, he was afraid of getting beaten by other people," said 24-year-old Chen Yi.
"I thought it was pretty meaningful. I've just been working so much (at the office) and never get to break out in a sweat, so it felt really good."
Others gamely said they enjoyed the experience even though they ended up as attackees rather than attackers.
"I don't know who pushed me, but all of a sudden I was in the pile of pillows, where I became the target of many people, and was beaten by all sorts of people," said university student Zhu Shishan. "Very meaningful." (Reuters)
Monday, 26 December 2011
PIA flights to Jeddah airport fuel outage

Peshawar protest against prolonged power outage, the four towers gradyyy
Clgzyy Baba in Peshawar PESHAWAR: Residents protest against prolonged power outages and power scores of four residential towers gradyyy ursk Road Sage clgzyy execrate protest against prolonged power outages have become. Clgzyy grandfather and great kly protesters the four towers at power down. protestors shouted slogans against the government while they were in that twenty-four hours of electricity for only an hour during which the routine of life is being affected.
PML-N decides to bridge gaps
RAIWIND: The leadership of Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) has decided to mend the souring relationships with the party workers, Monday.

According to sources, PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif has asked the leaders to bring back the annoyed members and make efforts to retain them in the party. He said that the workers are the asset of a party and it can not function without its members.
He expressed these views while chairing a meeting here where important decisions were made along with bringing back the angry workers. He instructed the party leaders to make contacts with the assembly members who are part of PML-N and also with those who are currently having differences with the leadership on emergency basis.
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