Thursday 17 November 2011

Osama msfq and had a soft heart: Zawahiri

Ayman al-Zawahiri's new chief has released a video in which Osama bin Laden 'soft' and 'msfq, said.Osama in Pakistan last May, after the death of Ayman al-Zawahiri, who took responsibility for the network said the former leader Osama bin Laden was a sensitive man.Jihadi Web sites on the thirty-minute video titled "night and day spent with Al.Ayman al-Zawahiri said that his goal of releasing this video of Osama bin Laden a "common man" is to reveal the personality of the people.In the video Zawahiri was wearing a white gown. He said: "People do not realize that this very kind person, kind and delicate feelings msfq and owned.  ایمن الظواہری( Zawahiri said: "We did not see this person '.
Bin Laden and Zawahiri in the 1980s, the Soviet forces in Afghanistan met while they both supported the Mujahideen who were fighting against. They spent time with bin Laden to 'honor' was declared.Ayman al-Zawahiri said, recalling the moments when they learned of the death of my loved ones how to embrace them with eyes full dlash Osama did.Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri said, despite a persistent location to another location that was special care that their children get good education.He said he had a teacher who taught children the Qur'an.Zawahiri said bin Laden wanted to be remembered that those who had attacks of September eleven. The United States in nearly three thousand people were killed in these attacks.Analysts believe that Osama bin Laden video in memory of this issue and its proximity to Bin Laden, Ayman Zawahiri's emphasis on the al-Qaeda supporters to increase their popularity.

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