Karachi: MQM day of mourning, absent public transport, shops closed
Karachi: MQM mourning the day's business in thecity streets and traffic is disappearing. Violenceand shooting incidents in Karachi against theMQM, the day of mourning is being observed. Dayof mourning Public transport disappeared from thestreets with the petrol pumps were closed.Karachi, the MQM, the current situation across thecountry today to celebrate the day of mourning isdeclared. day of mourning on the occasion of theCoordination Committee he appealed to peopleacross the country in mourning day bhrpurhshbereaved families of those killed and the alliancewill kamzahrh uykjhty. Coordination Committee,urged the people to their homes during the days ofmourning, black buildings aurdkanun bazuuٴnlhrayyn flag and enter a black belt and Karachi, the killing of innocent civilians guilty uby ugartgryPlease protest against the rich. day of mourning inthe city's business and road traffic is almost nonexistent. transpurt Karachi Union buses on the streets until late at night that will not see today andwill decide to bring vehicles on the roads.
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