Rangers murder case against officials, counter-terrorism clause
Rangers shot in Karachi ... Karachi on trial in killing of young anti-terrorist section seven also were added uhras under which public fear and insecurityspread offense can be given the death penalty andamrqyd. Sunday Boat Basin police station on the orders of the Supreme Court appointed head of the research team reminded D. J. West SultanKhawaja continued the investigation and witnessesstatements were recorded. the hands of Rangerskilled on young Sarfraz Shah Salik Shah's brotherand the neighborhood Boat Basin police stationalso reached. research team that in the case ofofficial anti-terrorism Act Section has addedseven. Under this provision, a process by whichpublic fear and insecurity spread offense uhras the death penalty And can be given amrqyd. gftgukrtymedia reminded the D. G. Khawaja Sultan said the statements of four witnesses have been recordedseven days krlyy challan terrorism committee will submit in court, seven days will be continuouslyrecorded statements, He told AFP that come uradded some things, though He did not detail therangers asked the question about pressure DIGKhwaja Sultan said nine kmnts.
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